If you love her

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You're sat in an interview. Talking about your music. Recently, you've released a song. If you love her.

It's obviously about Lauren and Brad. You hate Brad but if he makes her happy that's all you care about.

"So... who's the song about?" The interviewer asks.

"Oh uh... I'd rather keep that quiet. I'm not quite ready for them to know." You say.

"That's okay. It's understandable. I mean it might not even be about somebody." He says.

"Oh no it is. Two people in particular. I have a strong feeling that if those two people are listening to us right now, they'll know it's about them. All I'm gunna say is, if they do happen to be listening, dont break her heart." You say.

"Two people? An ex?"

You nod.

"But i dont really wanna get into it."

"No worries. How did the song come to your mind then Y/n? It's an upbeat song about heartbreak. Right?"

"Urm... yeah. Yes it is. I was having a bad day when i wrote it. I didn't wanna be one of those singers who write depressing piano music whenever i break up with someone because that's not my style of music. I'm more upbeat. I think, if i remember correctly, i said some of the things in this song to the person. About the other person. And, y'know, i think it's a strong song to be completely honest. I've never actually been in a relationship before that's been as serious as this one was. So i was destroyed when we broke up. But... uh... i just wanted to make it a song that people kinda related to. Because it's just that kind of song. One you can dance and cry to at the exact same time." You say.

The interviewer stifles a laugh at your last sentence making you laugh.

"But yeah. That's the story of my song." You say.

Meanwhile, Lauren is sat with Brad listening. They both know for a fact that it's about them two.



"The first part of her song, she said the words to me. Before we got together. I didn't understand at first. But the more that i think about it, i cant help but feel horrible. Because she still wants you. And i know that you still want her. She's the best thing you'll ever have Lauren." Brad says.

Lauren sighs.

"You broke up because you were both having a bad day. I can hear how much she regrets letting you go in her voice. Have you seen her recently? Paparazzi keep snapping pictures of her in oversized hoodies. 3 sizes to big for her. They look like your hoodies Lauren. Your merch." Brad says.

"That doesn't mean anything Brad."

"She's still in love with you Lauren! You two dated for almost 4 years! She was gunna propose!"

Lauren is taken by surprise.

"I did not mean to say that."

"She-she was gunna propose?"

Brad sighs.


"Brad i-"

"I know Lauren. I've known since we got together. In all honesty, I'm glad i got to be the one to try helping you get over Yn. She's an amazing person Lauren. Go get her back and dont loose her again. Okay? I'll be here for you whenever you need me." Brad says.

*we b makin Brad good in dis one :)*

Lauren nods. She hugs Brad and grabs her shoes. She goes to find where you are.

You're currently stood in Starbucks. Signing autographs and taking pictures. When they're all finished, you get your drink. You turn and bump into someone. It spils the coffee down you.

"Fuck hot!"

"Y/n I'm so sorry."

You whip your head up and lock eyes, immediately, with Lauren.

"It's okay. Dont sweat it. Want me to buy you a coffee?" You ask.

"Are you sure?"

You nod. You buy you a new coffee and Lauren a coffee. You both walk together.

"So how have you been? I heard you and Brad have been going strong." You say.

"I- we broke up. Today." Lauren says.

"Oh... shit well I'm sorry." You say.

"No it's okay we're friends. It was a mutual agreement." Lauren says.

You nod.

"That's good. But-uh-how comes you're round this area then? I haven't seen you round here in like a year." You say.

"I was looking for you."


Lauren nods.

"W-how come?"

"Because Brad said to go get my girl back. That's why I'm here." Lauren says.

"We broke up for a reason Lauren. Things didn't work out. You and Brad are happy with each other." You say.

"We broke up because we both had a bad day. And my god i regret that so much." Lauren says.

You let out a sigh.

"Brad said you were gunna propose." Lauren says.

You nod. You pull the box out.

"I kept it on me just incase.... y'know."

"I came back?"

You nod. You both get to the house you used to share. You still live there.

"You wanna come in?" You ask.

You fiddle about getting your keys out. You look at her and she kisses you. She pulls out before you get a chance to kiss back.

"I am so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I should go." Lauren says.

She starts walking off.

"Wait a second Laur."

She freezes. She turns to you. Before she gets to ask, you kiss her. Just as she kisses back, you pull back.

"Are you sure you and Brad broke up?"

She nods.

"Good. Cos that would be classed as cheating." You say.

She smiles.

"Obviously." Lauren says.

You smile.

"Wanna come in?"

She nods. You both go inside and cuddle on the couch while watching some overly cheesy movie.

"I feel bad for Brad y'know." You say.

"He's a good guy. He'll find someone fast." Lauren says.

You nod. You both fall asleep a little later on into the movie.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now