Fighting to protect her

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You're stood behing your car putting some grocery bags into the back seat of your car.

"-and honestly i think Lauren Jauregui is such a slut who deserves any form of abuse, sexual or physical, she gets."

"Excuse me." You say.

He looks at you.


"You need to shut your fucking mouth. Say one more bad thing about my girl again and I'll put you in my boot and drive you out into the middle of the woods for the wolves to eat."

"You're Y/n."

"Yeah. I am. And in case you dont seem to remember, i box. So I'll beat the shit out of you. Okay?"

You turn away.

"Do you abuse her? Cos she deserves it."

You turn around and hit him. He stumbles back.

"The fuck was that for?!"

"I told you to shut the fuck up! And you just kept going. So i suggest you-"

He shoves you. You take a deep breath and you hit him again. You both get into a pretty big fight.

You knock him onto the floor and keep hitting him. He pushes you back and stands up. You both keep going until some people pull you both back. The police turn up and question you both.

When you get home, you slam the front door. Lauren looks at you. You put the groceries in the kitchen.

"Baby what happened?" Lauren asks.

"Mama home!!"

You 4 year old daughter, called Jade, runs over to you. She hugs your legs. You look at her and smile.

"Hey baby." You say.

You lift her and she hugs you.

"Y/n i got called by an officer. You got into a fight at the store." Lauren says.

"Mama got into fight?" Jade asks.

"Mama got into a fight to shut up a man who was saying nasty things about mamí." You say.

"You what?" Lauren asks.

"Cover your ears Jade." You say.

She covers her ears.

"That guy was being a dickhead. He said some reeeeally shit things about you and it pissed me off. So i hit him. It's his own fault." You say.

Jade uncovers her ears.

"Mama said bad words." Jade says.

"Hey, i have an idea. Go upstairs Jade and get some stuff together. I'll come play dress up with you." You say.

You put Jade on the floor. She runs upstairs. Lauren looks at you.

"Y'know just cos you box doesn't mean you get to fight people at any given opportunity." Lauren says.

You scoff.

"I did it cos he bad mouthed you. If he hadn't have bad mouthed you, i wouldn't have hit him. Okay?"

"You shouldn't have hit him." Lauren says.

"Mhmm. Yeah whatever. Next time someone bad mouths you, I'll let them keep going. In fact, I'll incourage them." You say.

"You know for a fact that's not what i mean." Lauren says.

"Then dont complain when I'm protecting you. I'm going to play dress up with my little girl upstairs." You say.

A few hours pass and Jade's asleep. You and Lauren are stood downstairs in the living room.

"I did it because he was bad mouthing you! What would you rather me do?! Let him keep going?!"

"Dont hit him!"

"You know I'm not that type of person! I beat the shit out of him because he deserved it! End of!"

You go upstairs and get changed. You stand in your bedroom.


You turn your head and see Jade rubbing her eyes. You put on your pyjama shirt and walk over to Jade. You sit down in front of her.

"How comes you're awake my little princess?" You ask.

"You and Mamí yelling."

"Oh. I'm sorry. We didn't mean to wake you up." You say.

"Are you and mamí breaking up?" Jade asks.

"What? No. Of course not. No me and your mamí love each other very much. When you love people very much in a relationship, you tend to disagree with each other. Meaning you argue." You say.

"Why are you and mamí arguing?" Jade asks.

"Well, me and this nasty man got into a fight earlier. He was saying some mean things about mamí and i became annoyed. Me and mamí are fighting because she isn't happy that we got into a fight." You say.

"But you did a good thing. Right?"

"I did. But mamí is annoyed at me because i could've gotten hurt. Which is understandable."

Jade nods. She yawns.

"Hey lemme take you back to bed. You need your sleep cos we have a big and exciting day tomorrow." You say.

She smiles. You stand up and lift Jade up. You leave your bedroom and see Lauren stood next to the door. She looks at you with that look. You nod and put Jade to bed.

"Lauren, Jade wants a kiss good night." You say.

Lauren walks in and smiles. Jade giggles. Lauren kisses Jade on the forehead and you both leave her room. You put on the nightlight first.

Lauren looks at you.


You go downstairs and get a bottle of beer. Lauren follows.

"I heard you talking to Jade."

"Well done. You have ears. That's what they're for." You say, popping the lid off the bottle.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I know you were just doing it to protect me and i appreciate that."

"Then why yell at me for it? What was the point in yelling at me if you're just gunna apologise for it?" You ask.

"Because i feel horrible for yelling at you. It was a dick move and i know this." Lauren says.

You sigh and put the bottle down. You hug her. She smiles and hugs back.

"Love you." She says.

"Love you too." You say.

Cos why not? Just feeling this one.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now