Enemies turned lovers part 2

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When you and Lauren left the building, an issue rose up. Between you both. You trip over something and stumble into Lauren.

"Excuse me!" She yells.

"Okay i didn't do it on purpose." You say.

She shoves you.

"Do you mind!"

You shove her. This turns into a massive fight between you two. Five teachers have to hold you both back. Two on her. Three on you. They take you both to separate rooms.

"Y/n tell me what happened." Says one teacher, passing you a tissue to clean the blood dripping from your nose.

"Basically, i was minding my own business, walking to my friends and i trip over something-"

You wipe the blood from your nose, still dripping out.

"-and i wind up stumbling into Lauren. Then she overreacts and shoves me. Then i shove back and that's the fight." You say.

The teachers nod.

"We're gunna make a decision and put you two in this room together to talk for a few minutes. Can we trust you?"

"Trust me. Not so sure about her." You say.

The teachers leave and you keep wiping the still pouring blood from your nose. Lauren walks in.

"Now you two settle it in here. 10 minutes girls."

The teacher walks off.

"You've broken my nose. Motherfucker wont stop bleeding." You mumble.

"Oh my bad. Not like you didn't almost shove me into a damn lamppost or anything." Lauren says.

"I didn't do it on purpose. I tripped over something and you just happened to be walking next to me. Grow up." You say.

"You first." Lauren says.

You roll your eyes.

"How is it, we manage to fight in music, do fine in history and actually fight at break? How are you this childish?" Lauren asks.

"Me childish?! You're the one who thought i shoved you! I tripped over a damn stone and fell into you! GROW UP!" You yell.

"Do NOT yell at me!"

"Double standards Lauren! Dont yell at me and i wont yell at you!" You yell.

She shoves you.

"We doin this again?!" You yell.

You shove her. She grabs your arm and hits you. Right square in the nose. You rag your arm from her grasp and pin her to the wall. Your hands on her arms.

"We are not doing this again. You've already broken my nose. You're not breaking my jaw." You say, in a low tone.

For some reason, that she doesn't like, she gets butterflies in her stomach.

"Get off me." She demands.

You let go of her, grab some more tissues and grab your bag.

"Stay away from me." You say.

You leave the room. When you're gone, Lauren puts her head in her hands.

"I dont like that...." She mumbles.

Hm..... what we thinkin?

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