First date sex

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You and Lauren are on your first date together. You've both just eaten at this really fancy restaurant and you're currently in your car driving her home.

While driving, you put your hand on her thigh at an angle and gently start rubbing her thigh. She starts feeling a teeny weeny bit turned on by this. She gets really warm and opens the window.

"You warm?" You ask.

She nods. You turn on the air con and put your hand back on her thigh. She shuffles a little in her seat to avoid throwing herself at you. You look at her.

"Are you okay?" You ask.

She nods, not looking at you. You dont even understand what it is. You just sit at the red light. She's literally bright red.

"Lauren are you sure you're okay?"

She nods with a hum.

"Ye-yeah. Completely fine." Lauren says.

You look down at where your hand is and it finally hits you.

"Is it the hand?" You ask.

"No I'm just really warm. Quite warm tonight." Lauren says.

"If it's the hand i can move it."

"No no you can keep it there dont worry it's not the hand." Lauren says.

"So if i did this-"

You move your hand a little closer.

"-you wouldn't mind?" You ask.

She shakes her head.

"Okay. So what about if i did this?" You ask.

You move your hand to her belt and unbuckle it.

"You'd be totally cool with it?"

She nods. You pull the car over into a parking spot and move your hand to her button.

"And say i just happened to accidentally undo your button and pull down your zip. You'd be totally cool with that."

She nods, her breath getting caught in her throat as you do so. You put your hand inside her pants and inside her underpants.

You rest your hand where she's literally dying for you to be right now. You put two fingers against her clit and immediately feel how wet she is. She lays her head back on the head rest behind her. You start to rub her clit. Slowly at first of course. Then when you realise she's fine, you speed up quite considerably. 0-100 real quick.

She lets out a lot of deep breaths, just trying to avoid moaning because you're in a public area with the windows open. You close the windows and blast the air con at full so she can moan because it's loud.

And she does. She's all moans as you get as fast as you can rubbing her clit. She soon gets close and she starts shaking.

"Y/n! Y/n!"

And she releases. You help her slowly ride it out and you pull your hand out. You wipe your hands clean on some wet wipes in the car and then start driving. On the drive back to her house, it's quiet. Not an awkward silence and you have your hand back on her thigh, angled a little inwards just the way it was previously. Which sends her insane again. As she's still trying to calm down from the very intense sex moment you two just had literally 5 minutes ago.

You pull up outside her house and bring her into a kiss.

"Come in if you want. It's dark and the roads are dangerous at night." Lauren says.

"You sure?"

She nods. You both go into her house abd straight upstairs. She's swaying her hips all the way up the stairs. When you get to the top of the stairs and into her room, you pin her to the door.

"Teasing me on our way up the stairs."

She nods.


"Round two?"

She nods. You kiss her. She kisses back and wraps her arms around your neck. You have yours next to her stomach on the door. While you kiss, you reach your hand down into her pants and rather teasingly, tap her clit. With it still being really sensitive, she twitches a little bit. Which makes you smirk. She knows where this is going and holds no objection to it.

You start slowly rubbing her clit, just to make her feel it before speeding up. You eventually get as fast as you can. She lays her head forward onto your shoulder, trying her best not to release because she's already there.

But she's all moans.

"Fuck!! Fuck!! Y/n!!" She screams out.

Imagine. First date you have your date screaming your name out. She's literally shaking in pleasure at this. You get that bit faster, as fast as you can and she releases. You help her ride it out and pull your hand out from her pants. You wipe it off and you both lay on her bed.

"How does a second date sound?" You ask.

"Amazing." Lauren says.

You both get comfy and fall asleep. That's her satisfied.

First Lauren smut. I apologise for spelling mistakes. It's 2:25am where i am and I'm going to sleep the minute this goes up. Byeeeeee :)

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