New kid

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Lauren is sat in form with Dinah, Normani, Ally and Camila, her best friends.

"I heard there's a new kid." Normani says.

"Another one? Jesus christ how many new kids are we gunna get?" Dinah says.

"Not a clue." Camila says.

Lauren is zoned out staring at her notebook. They look at her.

"She's not in the right place right now. Just leave her." Ally says.

They nod. Then the door opens. Lauren snaps back into reality and her eyes widen upon looking at the door.

"Whoa..." She whispers.

"Ah you must be Y/n."

You simply just nod.

"Sorry. I forgot about that."

The teacher takes you outside to talk to you. Well, try to talk to you as you have a hearing impediment. And to add to it, you're mute. Which means you not only cant hear but you dont speak either. Well you have hearing aids to help you hear but you choose to turn them off sometimes. When people get annoying that's when you turn them off.

And people just dont catch on at all. Which you do find pretty funny.

When the teacher manages to get through to you, she gets you to sit at the back in the spare seat close to the wall next to Lauren. So you do. You walk in and sit down. Lauren looks at you. She goes to say something but notices the hearing aid. She looks to her friends.

"Guys i think she's deaf." Lauren says.

"Shit. Well that explains why she was stood looking at our teacher like she couldn't speak English." Dinah says.

Lauren looks to you and writes something down on some paper. She slides it in front of you. You look at it. It says this.

Hi. I'm Lauren. I noticed the hearing aid  and didn't want to say anything cos i didnt know if you had it on or not. Either way if you want to, i'd like to get to know you. Maybe we could be friends.

You cant help but smile a little. You turn the paper over and grab a pen. You write your response and put it in front of her. You then go back to what you were doing before as Lauren reads what it says.

It's not on but I'm glad you didn't say anything. I have selective mutism and would've felt bad for not responding to you. But, i would like to get to know you. You seem alright to me.

Lauren smiles. She pulls another piece of paper from her book and writes her number on it with a little note under. She then slides it over to you. You look at it and read what it says.

That's my number. I thought it might be better for me to give you my number so you dont have to talk. That way we can get to know one another without you having to talk. But also i would've understood if you didn't respond to me if i did try talking to you. I'd put it down to not wanting to talk to strangers and we'd probably be doing this anyways.

You chuckle a little. Lauren smiles upon hearing you chuckle. She spots you putting her number in your phone. You then text her.

Unknown number
Just wanted to check you gave me the right number

Her phone buzzes and she sees the message. She responds.

Well it would hardly be fair of me to give you the wrong number would it

Well you never know. I've met some serious assholes in my time.
I've got some seriously funny stories

Lauren smiles.

Months upon months pass and you're yet to utter a word. Lauren doesn't mind that you dont talk. You both text every single day. There's been days where Lauren's mental health has taken a deep dive into the depths of hell and you've gone over and just sat and listened to her vent. She's found out that you're very comfortable to lay on after many many mental breakdowns.

You'd just lay there and she'd cuddle up into you. It did scare you the first time it happened but you got used to it.

As of right now, you're both sat in your bedroom watching TV. You text Lauren to say you're getting a drink and if she wants one. To which she responds 'yes please just water'. So you go get them.

When you leave, Lauren sits up and thinks about whether she should or shouldn't tell you. She's head over heels in love with you. You soon walk back in and pass her the glass of water.

"Thank you."

You smile and put your glass on the unit next to your bed. She puts the water on the other unit and takes a deep breath.

"Y/n can i tell you something?" Lauren asks.

You pause the movie and nod. You look at her. Making direct eye contact which gives Lauren butterflies.

"I- okay. I'm gunna tell you something really important and i need you to promise me you're not gunna get annoyed with me." Lauren says.

You nod and hold up your pinkie. She smiles a little and wraps her pinkie around yours. She then puts her hands in her lap and tries to just tell you.

"Okay..... i like you. A lot. I'm like... in love with you i guess. I dont know how i figured it out i think it just hit me a few weeks ago. When i had that massive mental breakdown and we cuddled at my house and you fell asleep. I think it hit me then. And I've been meaning to tell you but i just couldn't bring myself to doing it cos i got scared and i was worried you were gunna hate me for life for it and i didn't want that and-"

You kiss her to shut her rambling up. Yeah you like her back. And you're gunna tell her. She kisses back. You pull back from the kiss. She looks at you.

"I like you back." You say.

Her eyes widen a little.

"You-you spoke." She says.

You shrug.

"I know." You say.

"And you like me back?"

You nod. She smiles a little and so do you.

"Be my girlfriend?" You ask.

Her smile widens and she nods.

"Yeah. Yeah I'll be your girlfriend." She says.

You smile. She kisses you again. You kiss back. She then pulls back.

"Sorry i just wanted to do that." Lauren says.

"I like it." You say.

She goes red which makes you laugh a little. Slowly over time, you grew more comfortable thanks to Lauren and started speaking more than just 3 words a sentence. Eventually, you'd be speaking full sentences all thanks to Lauren. Your family have never been more greatful for a person in their life.

Thoughts? I was watching a show earlier, no relevance to this in the slightest, and this idea just came to mind. So here ya go. Sorry it's taken a while to get a Lauren update. Byeee :)

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