Comforting you after a break up

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A/N: just before we start, i'm gunna say that your pronouns are they/them for this one just for it to really work. Hope yall enjoy :)

You and your girlfriend, not Lauren, have been dating for just short of 3 years. She's not exactly the most supportive girlfriend but the sex is great and apparently that's all that matters for her. You care more about just having someone in your arms.

Recently you figured out that you're non binary. Meaning your pronouns are they/them. Everybody you've told has been accepting of your pronouns. Which includes your grandparents. Which definitely took you by surprise because they're not the most accepting people.

The one person you haven't told, because you've been trying to find a way to, is your girlfriend. Her name is Steph.

Well, you've finally figured out a way to tell her. So you're gunna tell her.

"My love?" You say.

"What." She says.

"Can we talk?" You ask.

"Yeah what's up?" Steph asks.

You sit down next to her on the sofa and take a deep breath.

"Okay look, there's no easy way around telling you so I'm just gunna be straight forward about it. I'm non binary." You say.

Steph frowns.

"What do you mean you're non binary." She says.

"Like i prefer to be called they/them instead of she/her." You say.

She shakes her head.

"I'm not having that. You're she/her. No fucking stupid 'they/them' bulshit." She says.

"That's not exactly you're decision." You say.

"Yeah well if you wanna keep waking up with someone in your arms every morning, i dare say that is my decision." Steph says.

You go to nod but then shake your head.

"No. No it's not your damn decision. You do not get to dictate what i identify as just because i dont wanna be single. Well news flash Steph, you'll be missing out on somethin too." You say.

"Y/n you're being ridiculous." She says.

"Am i? Cos the last time i checked, you're only with me for the sex. Yeah i remember that. You blurted that out in the middle of an argument but i forgave you for it. Well I'm not doing it anymore." You say.

"The fuck are you being this way for? Just because i dont accept your fucking stupid pronouns? You're not suddenly lacking tits and a vagina just because you dont identify as she/her. You still have the shit." Steph says.

"That's just not how it works dumbass. That's not the point of me having the pronouns they/them. I prefer to have the pronouns they/them because I'm more comfortable with those pronouns you insensitive bitch." You say.

"Yeah whatever. Stop being stupid." She says.

"I've had enough. Get out. Pack a bag and get the hell out of my house. I'm done with you." You say.

"Whoa whoa you're not thinking." Steph says.

"Yeah i am. You're clearly never gunna change your tune on this and i dont have to sit and listen to you being this way. So get out. Like right fucking now." You say.

"Fine whatever. You'll never find someone like me." Steph says.

"Yeah that's the whole fucking point. Now pack a bag and get out." You say.

She goes upstairs and packs all of her things as she doesn't live with you and leaves. You lock the front door and sit down on your bed. You call Lauren.

"Hey Y/n/n!"

"Hey Laur." You say.

"What's wrong? You sound upset." She says.

"We broke up. I finally told her about my pronouns and she lost it." You say.

"I'm coming over now. Your front door unlocked?" Lauren asks.

"No I'm gunna unlock it now." You say.

"I wont be long." Lauren says.

You end the call and unlock the front door. You lay back on the sofa. You push out a deep breath. Lauren soon shows up. She walks through your front door and locks it. She sees you just layed there on your sofa.

"Any room for me?" Lauren asks.

You look at her and smile a little. You sit up and she lays on your sofa. She opens her arms and you lay on her stomach. She gently rubs your back.

"What happened hon?" Lauren asks.

You tell her everything and she just sighs.

"I'm sorry. That sucks." Lauren says.

"I kinda feel as if i deserved it though... like maybe i did something that-"

"Whoa hey what are you talking about? You did not deserve that at all. Dont ever think that. You'll never deserve that. What she did was horrible." Lauren says.

"You promise?"

"Yeah i promise. Of course i promise. Nobody deserves that. If you and me were dating and you told me that, you know for a fact I'd be 100% supportive of you." Lauren says.

"You are anyway." You say.

"I know. You wouldn't have to deal with anything like that with me though." Lauren says.

"You dropping hints that you wanna date me?" You ask.

"Oh... i-uhm.... maybe." Lauren says.

You smile a little.

"I'd like that." You say.

"Is it not too soon?" Lauren asks.

"I dont think it was a proper relationship anyway. I think it was just for sex and just to have someone there to wake up with." You say.

Lauren nods.

"I'd like it too." Lauren says.

Your smile widens a llittle bit.

"You just get some sleep Y/n. I'll be here." Lauren says.

"You promise?" You ask.

"I promise. Pinkie promise." Lauren says.

You hold up a pinkie. Lauren locks her pinkie around your pinkie. You lay your head on Lauren's chest and fall asleep with her arms wrapped safely around you. Maybe things will get better for you now.

Thoughts? Byeeeeee :)

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