Highschool crush

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Lauren is one of the least popular girls. Along with her 3 best friends Normani, Ally and Dinah. However, Lauren has a crush on one of the most most popular girls in school. You. But so does everyone at this point so you're literally never gunna notice her.

Girls either crush on you or wanna be you. Boys crush on you or want you to be their gay bestie so you can find them someone good enough for them. This school is full of people like that.

Right now, you're all sat in English. You, about 12 other people, Lauren, Dinah, Normani and Ally.

"Y/n can you read please?"

Everyone loves your voice. Nobody more than Lauren though. She could sit and listen to you talk for hours. Or forever. But whichever would suit you of course.

While you read, everyone stares. Which you dont really like because you start fumbling over your words when you read and everyone stares at you. But you're actually doing pretty well.

Only Lauren knows that. She tutored you a few years ago and you haven't spoken since.

When you finish, the teacher goes on with his lesson. You sit back in your chair and start tapping a pen to ease your anxiety from going off the chains. As popular and epic as you are, you do have anxiety and panic attacks all the time.

When lesson ends, everyone files out of the room. Except you. Which is normal for you. You usually stick back until everyone goes off. Just to avoid the giant crowds. Lauren and her friends go to their lockers.

While they're there, you're looking around. You always do this. You can always find her in a massive crowd of people. You can always see her. And you like that. Seeing Lauren just makes you feel that bit better.

After school, Lauren goes to her locker. She opens it and a note falls out. She frowns, picks it up and reads it.

Come to the library.

Her heart bubbles. She grabs what she needs, shuts her locker and goes to the library. You're sat on one of the chairs outside just on your phone.


You look up at her and smile.

"Hey Lauren."

"Do you need help with something?" She asks.

"No. No i just wanna talk actually." You say.

"Okay. What about?" She asks.

You stand up and pull her to a more private area.

"What's up?" Lauren asks.

"I'm not gunna shy around it cos it pisses me off when people do that. But i like you. I have for a while really. And every time we go out into the hallway after lesson, i always look for you. Cos you make me feel better. Like if I'm feeling like complete shit, i just look for you and then i feel better. And I've figured it out. I like you. I really do." You say.

She's bright red.

"You.... you like me?" Lauren asks.

You nod.

"Why?" She asks.

"What do you mean why?"

"Why do you like me? I'm not popular. I'm weird. I dont like half the shit you like. I dont know any of your friends. I-"

"That's why i like you. I like weird. Believe me. And you're not weird. You're cool. And so what if you're not popular or you dont like half the shit i do? I dont care. You dont have to be popular for me to like you y'know. I dont think my heart knows the difference between popular and unpopular. And even if it did i wouldn't care. I like you. I think you're really pretty and you're really nice." You say.

"Are you sure you like me?" Lauren asks.

"I'm 100% positive. Wouldn't be telling you if i wasn't." You say.

She nods.

"If I've made you feel uncomfortable at all please tell me." You say.

"No you haven't. Sorry I'm just not used to people liking me." Lauren says.

"Well, this is your chance. Why dont i take you out some where? Just some where simple. Just so we can get to talking with each other and getting to know each other that bit better." You say.

She nods.

"I like that idea." She says.

You smile.

"Wait before we go can i do something?" Lauren asks, gaining a little more confidence.

You nod. She decides not to mess about it. She grabs your shirt and pulls you into a kiss. You stumble forward a little but you get lucky as there's a wall behind you both. So you put your hands by her head and kiss back. You then pull back.

"I was not expecting that." You say.

"Full of surprises." She says.

"Yeah no kidding." You say.

She smiles. You both leave school and you walk her home. She pulls you inside.

"Nice house. How comes you've pulled me inside though?" You ask.

"Just wanted to hang out. If you dont wanna-"

"I do. I do wanna hang out. Just wasn't expecting you to pull me inside your house." You say, taking off your shoes.

She pulls you into the living room expecting it to be empty. Instead she gets met by her mum, dad, brother and sister.

"Lauren's home!" Chris exclaims.

He and Taylor jump on her.

"Hey Lauren. Who's this?" Her mum asks.

"This is my friend Y/n. Y/n this is my mum, dad, brother and sister." Lauren says.

"Hi." You say.

"This is the Y/n?"

"Mum shush!"

You smile a little.

"We're gunna go upstairs." Lauren says.

"No funky business. Nice to meet you Y/n." Her dad says.

"Dad!" Lauren warns.

"You too." You say, with a smile.

She grabs your hand and pulls you up to her room. You both just sit on her bed and watch a movie together.

"I'm guessing you tell your mum and dad about me." You say.

She goes red.

"Yeah i do. I've had a crush on you since about 5 days before i got asked to tutor you." Lauren says.

You smile. You both decide to cuddle on her bed and continue watching the movie, happy that you've finally told each other the truth.

Yall this bish was long!! Hope yall enjoyed!! Byeeeeeeee

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