Halloween party

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You have thrown a Halloween Party in your house. You've invited basically everyone in your year group. Which includes the girl who has a massive crush on you. Lauren Jauregui.

The rule of the party is you HAVE to wear a costume and you HAVE to give a name. It can be a completely made up costume with a fuckin weird name. Or an actual outfit but fuck it with the name. Literally just a costume with a name.

Right now, it's 8pm. The party starts in about 20 minutes. You're just finishing setting stuff up with your bestie Jade Thirlwall.

"So what was the reason you invited the whole year group?" Jade asks, bringing about 8 stacks of red cups.

"Yeah. It's Halloween, i fucking rock and I'm hella fuckin bored over Halloween." You say, moving some stuff.

When you're all set up, you go upstairs and change into your costume. Your costume is Sirius Black from Harry Potter.

 Your costume is Sirius Black from Harry Potter

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You walk down into the kitchen.

"How do i look? Gay right?" You ask.

Jade looks at you.

"Gay as fuck girl. But lose the wig." Jade says.

You pull off the wig and throw it in the bin.

"Lets go open the fuckin door and get this bitch started." You say.

You swing open the front door and within a minute, the house is full and music is blasting.

You spot Lauren stood drinking some of the alcohol mix you have concocted with Jade. You, obviously knowing Lauren is head over heels for you, walk over to her. She sees you and immediately gets an erruption of butterflies.

You stand next to her.

"Havin fun in the corner love?" You ask.

She goes red.

"Zombie cheerleader then Lauren? Usually people piss me off when they dress up as zombie cheerleaders but you look good. Never been more attracted to a zombie in my life." You say.

She immediately looks at you. Her heart speeds up. You look at her.

"Nobody's watching. Fuck it." You say.

You stand in front of her and kiss her. She kisses back. You put your hands next to her head. She makes a grip on your shirt. You, completely forgetting you're literally in a party with a building full of literally everyone in the year group, move the kiss down her neck.

"Y/n..... there's people....." She only just gets out.

You move it back up to her mouth and then pull back.

"When the party's done, stay back. We'll finish off after the party." You say.

She nods. You move away and go find Jade. When you find her, she's stood in the kitchen. You stand against the kitchen unit and take a deep breath. Jade looks at you and laughs. You look at her.

"You defo almost fucked in the room." Jade says.

You laugh. When everyone is gone, you spot Lauren stood on her phone. You smile a little and walk over.

"You stayed." You say.

She looks at you.

"You told me to." She says.

"So in simple terms, if i tell you to do something you'll do it?"

She goes a dark shade of red.

"Come on then. Follow me." You sag.

She follows you up to your bedroom. She walks in. You shut the door and pin her to it. Her stomach errupts with butterflies. Her breathing at an unreal pace.

"What-what are we gunna do?" Lauren asks.

"Whatever you want us to do princess." You say.

Then you lock eyes and oh my god. More butterflies spawn in her stomach.

"What do you want us to do. Whatever you want we can do." You say.

She kisses you. You kiss back. She puts her arms around your neck. You move you both to the bed. You break away from the kiss and push her down onto your bed.

You climb onto the bed and hover above her. You kiss her again. She puts her hands under your shirt and against your stomach.

You're both layed in your bed. Cuddled up together. She's fiddling with your fingers.

"Y/n?" She asks.

You hum.

"You're not just gunna..... never talk to me again right?" Lauren asks.

"No why?"

"Because i like you a lot and i dont wanna be left heartbroken and disappointed." She says.

"I 100% promise i wont leave you heartbroken or disappointed. I like you too. That's why we just did what we just did. I wont hurt you." You say.

"You promise?" Lauren asks.

You stick up one of your pinkies.

"I pinkie promise. They mean a lot to me. If i make a pinkie promise, i dont break it." You say.

She locks one pinkie around your pinkie.

"I promise." You say.

She nods.

"Better get some sleep. Gunna have one nasty bitch of a hangover and headache in the morning." You say.

She nods. She rolls around in your arms and kisses you. You kiss back. She pulls back from the kiss. You boop her nose making her laugh. She lays her head on your chest and falls asleep to the sound of your heartbeat.

Thoughts? Byeee :)

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now