First kiss

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You and Lauren have been dating for about.... maybe a week and Lauren is doing everything in her power not to push the relationship. She already knows she loves you. She already knows she wants to move in with you. And most of all, she knows that she wants to kiss you. However, with you both only being 17, she knows that making all them choices on her own is bad.

You two are now sat on your bed watching Netflix together. Well, you're watching Netflix, Lauren is texting people. Not that it bothers you. It's just the girls in fifth harmony. So, while Lauren texts, you lay on your front with your head at the bottom of the bed.


You turn your head and see Lauren pouting. You smile, shake your head and move up next to her. She wraps her arms around you and you cuddle up to her.

"You're adorable." You say.

She smiles. She loves it when you call her adorable. Wanna know something? You and Lauren have little pet names for each other. Lauren calls you: princess and beautiful. You call her: baby or babygirl.

"I know we've only been together for a week but i really wanna do something." Lauren says.

You sit up and tilt your head. She finds it adorable when you do that.

"What do you wanna do?" You ask.

"I really wanna.... nevermind. It doesnt matter. Cuddle meeeeee."

She opens her arms and smiles.

"Lauren, baby, I've fell for that before. You have something to tell me and unless you tell me, no more cuddles." You say.

She gasps.

"You wouldn't."

"Thats a days worth of cuddles gone." You says.

"Princess nooooo. Cuddles."

"Two days."

"Noooooo!" She exclaims.

"Dont make me say three days." You say.

"Okay! You win! Dont take anymore cuddles off me." Lauren says.

You cross your legs and lay your hands on them.

"So what was it?" You ask.

"Okay i wanna kiss you but i dont wanna rush into things cos we've only been together for a week and i know you've never been in a relationship before so i dont wanna push it and-"

"Lauren. Lauren. Take a breath." You say.

She nods.

"So you wanna kiss me?" You ask.

"Yeah but i dont wanna rush things with you." Lauren says.

"You coulda just said baby." You say.

Sbe frowns in confusion.

"I could?"

You nod.

"Because, to be totally honest Lauren, i wanna kiss you too." You say.

"You do?"

You nod. She lets out, what seems like, a sigh of relief.

"Okay. Can-can i?" Lauren asks.

You nod. You both sit closer to each other. She sits you on her lap and brushes your hair out of your face. You smile. Then you kiss. To be honest, exactly what you would've expected your first kiss to be like but, in this case, better. Lauren manages to snake her arms around your waist while you have yours around her neck. When you both pull apart, Lauren rests her head on your shoulder.

"Love you baby." You say.

She shoots her head up.


"I wanted to say that first."

She pouts causing a giggle to escape your mouth.

"Aww. You can still say it." You say.

"I love you too."

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now