All night.

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Your friends are begging you to go to some nightclub with them. They have been since you split up with Brad from the Vamps.

"Dinah i swear to god." You say.

"Come on! It'll be fun. Besides, if you do, I'll stop bugging you about it." Dinah says.

"Yeah Y/n, you gotta have more fun. Brad was a twatbag that deserved none of your time!" Jade states.

You roll your eyes.

"I get to pick what I'm wearing."

"Oh no. I'm picking." Dinah says.

"Then i refuse to go." You say.

"You can pick your outfit." Dinah grumbles.

You laugh and go into your bedroom. You pick out your outfit which consists of black jeans, a harry potter t-shirt, a baseball cap and your black Nike Air's.

"To be honest, you look pretty good." Dinah says.

"Why thank you Finah." You laugh.

Jade walks out and looks in a mirror.

"You, my friend, are gunna get so many girls surrounding you that you wont know what to do with them." You laugh.

You grab a bottle of water and take a sip.

"I mean, she could just fuck em all." Dinah states.

You inhale the water you're drinking and Jade swats Dinah.

"Or i could tell them that i have a girlfriend."

"Even though you dont."

At the club, Lauren is sat at the bar part drinking some random shot. The door opens and she takes a glance. She locks eyes with a girl (you) and immediately looks away cursing at herself. She refuses to date someone after Brad. Yeah she dates Brad too. Before you did.

"Who are you eye fucking?" Dinah asks.

You swat her head.

"Ow! You guys have gotta stop doing that. And how did you reach? I have heels and you're like 2 foot tall!" Dinah exclaims.

"Okay 1, i am 5'2. 2, i have tip toes dumbass." You state.

A few hours later, your friends have ditched you. You spot Dinah with a girl you believed to be Normani Kordei. You also spot Jade with a beautiful blonde girl. You groan and go to the bar.

"What can i get you?"

"What's the strongest thing here?" You ask.

He smirks and walks away.

"Your friends ditch you too?"

You turn and see the girl you locked eyes with earlier.

"Yep. Its funny cos they dragged me here promising that it would be fun but here i am, at a bar, talking to a complete stranger." You state.

She laughs.

"Amen to that." She says.

The bartender passes you a pint glass full of every drink in the place.

"Fuckin hell." You say.

"Its the strongest drink. If you down it, you get 4 free shots." He says.

You swirl the glass.

"I mean why the fuck not." You say.

You take a deep breath and down it all in one.

"Jesus christ. How much vodka did you put in there?" You ask.

"A lot." He says.

He puts four shots in front of me.

"Funnily enough, vodka shots."

"You want two?" You ask.

"Why not." The girl says.

You pass two her way and you shoot them back.

"Holy fuck. Wow. Thats a lotta vodka." You say.

The bartender walks to another customer leaving you with the strange human sat next to you.

"I'm Y/n." You say.

"Lauren." She says.

You both shake hands and continue talking about how your friends dragged you here. A few hours pass and your both laughing.

"Okay and then he said 'i didnt mean it'." You say.

She laughs. If you cant tell, you're both fucked. So so drunk.

"What did you say?" Lauren asks taking another shot.

"I actually slapped him." You laugh.

"How hard?" Lauren asks.

"Oh i slapped him pretty hard. He left with a fuckin' hand print on his cheek." You say.

She laughs. You finish the shots and stand up.

"Its like 2am and i gotta get up at like 12 so ima need to be sober by then." I say.

That was the last thing you remember. The next morning, you wake up with a splitting headache and a body layed next to you.

"Holy shit." You whisper.

Then the person groans. You dont even try to be asleep. You have a nasty hangover.

"Fuckin head." They groan.

They look at you and you both scream. You fall out of bed and hit your head making the headache get worse.

"Fucking hell." You groan.

"Holy shit. Its you from last night." She says.

"What happened... oh yeah. Hey Lauren." You say.

"Why am i here?" She asks.

"I think we got a taxi. We were pretty fucking drunk so i cant remember half the shit that happened."

A few hours later, you're texting Lauren about meeting up again. Hopefully, it goes somewhere good.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now