ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 2

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Lau immediately placed his rifle back in its case and dashed off the rooftop. He went to his car and immediately connected his phone to his car's security system. He did the same trick that Kenzie taught him in order to track the one that tried to hack his stuff.

Lau is on the verge of losing his patience. He didn't just feel challenged by the sudden interruption, he also felt affronted.

Phoenix will definitely scold me for this!
He said in his mind.

A few more seconds and the intruder's location appeared on his navigator. Lau drove in haste, speeding up only to earn

disapproving hoots from the other drivers.

"Oh just f**k me!!!" He yelled with pure exasperation

when he realized himself parking in front of Harvard Medical University.

Lau took the gun hidden in the car's compartment. He put it on his belt and hid it under his shirt. He then left his car taking his phone with him. He went to the said location without being seen by the scattered CCTV's of the university. He dodged each of it effortlessly until he reached the building of the hacker's location.

The first room is filled with types of guitars. The next one is a theater and when he got to the second floor, his phone buzzed indicating that he's closed.

Lau spotted the CCTV camera pointing at the door of the first room. He fished out his phone and used it to hack that specific camera. With it, he controlled the camera and used it to see if there's a person inside the room.

"Jackpot." Lau immediately grinned victoriously as he watched the boy sitting on the piano. Playing with his phone.

Lau shut off his phone and casually walked looking at the camera. Then he opened the locked door with one push surprising the boy inside. The boy immediately removed his headset as he jerked to stand up from his seat. His eyes widened with surprise. Obviously looking as if he got caught.

"Oh! Forgive my manners! I'm ZEUS! The new Music teacher!" Lau introduced himself rather sarcastically.

Taking note that the boy is surely studying something that is close to music. The boy looked at him furiously. He looked stupefied. And Lau took that time to observe the boy.

He's no doubt very tall. But by the look of his face, he seems to be young and just gifted with a tall height. His features prove him to be a foreigner yet somehow mixed.

"What's Wrong?" Lau asked sweetly but eerily.

He closed the door despite the knob being already destroyed because of the forced push he made earlier. He stepped forward slowly, obviously sending shivers to the boy.

"You look like you got caught on something!" He said, smiling sheepishly.

"T-the Professor just left. Y-you're not a teacher here! Who are you!?" The boy finally spoke with his sweet honey voice.

Lau grinned, folding his arms on his chest while looking slyly at the frightened boy.

I think he's the one I'm looking for!
He said in his mind.

"You owe me a great deal, kid." He said as he stepped forward to him while the boy stepped backwards.

"W-what do you want from me?" the boy asked, lowering his head.

DOLC DIBOES II: New GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now