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Tim tiredly flopped himself on the couch as soon as he arrived. He fished out his phone to see if Bahiyyih left another message to tease him. But then he remembers that Kai and Blake are probably home right now. So he might as well just talk to the younger.

Tim stood up and went to the latter's room only to find it empty. Just then he realized that it was oddly quiet when he was actually expecting to go home and be greeted by Blake and Kai's loud voices.

After looking all over the dorm and failing to see the two. Tim went to the training ground to check if they went there. And he was stunned to see the shattered pieces of wood on the floor. His eyes staring at it and the remains of the wooden stand.

Did someone get in here?

Or maybe the two got into a fight and went too far.

Tim rubbed his temple and gathered his thoughts. He decided to call Samael so he immediately dialed his cell as he walked all over the training ground looking for the two.

'Hey! Why'd you call? I thought you're out with Catherine? How is she?'

"Yeah. She's safe. I just got home too. Did you text Kai to join you with Blake?" Tim asked as he made his way to the elevator to exit the Training Ground.

'No! We're actually on our way back. I told Kai we'll be home late so he and Blake will have to eat dinner without us!'

"That's weird!"

'What do you mean?'

"They're not here. Blake and Kai. Are you sure they already went home? Maybe they're still with the Shans!" Tim said and walked out of the elevator to his room.

'What!? No! They already went home! I texted Kai earlier! Are you sure they're not there?! Did you already look for them?!'

"I did! I looked everywhere! All I found is one of the wooden stands at the Training Ground is cut into half. It's actually a mess." Tim said as he opened his laptop and started tracking Kai's phone.

A frustrated look decorated his face when the pin showed the location of the dorm. Meaning that Kai left both of the phones he uses knowing Tim will try to track him with it.

So he decided to track Blake instead but got the same location. Meaning that he must've left his phone by accident.

'We're on the road! We'll be there in a short while!' Said Samael and he could hear the latter fumbling from the other line.

"I can't even track them! They left their phones." Tim hissed and shut off his laptop.

'Keep trying! I'll try to see if we can see them on the road!' Samael said before he ended the call.

Tim huffed and leaned on his swivel chair. Brainstorming. He felt a sudden ting on his head just as when an idea popped in his mind. He opened his phone and dialed Bahiyyih's cell.

'Tim? Why are you calling Bahiyyih? How'd you get her number?' It was Leana who answered the call.

"Quit the act! Kai and Blake aren't in our dorm! Can you try to find their location?" He scoffed but was given with a snicker from the other line.

'Aren't you so great yourself? Why don't you find him?' She scoffed.

"If I could! I wouldn't waste my time on this phone call. Kai knew I can track him with both of the phones he uses to contact me. So he left it on purpose. I can't track Blake either!" He explained and a few seconds of silence lingered in their phone call.

DOLC DIBOES II: New GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now