Chapter 2.7

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Venti hummed a slight tune, his mind tingling with a song he remembers. He had finally finished baking the cookies he was making for his book project group when they come over.

He had laid the cookies on the middle of the coffee table, having finished an entire set up for his book group, seeming nice and organized.

He smiled, proud of himself for his aesthetically pleasing living room, making it comfy to discuss the book today. From the clean wooden shelves full of books, he had never read but it reminded him of a library. To the lovely baby blue couch, with a comfy turquoise blanket matching his hair.

And finally, his cute mint green wallpaper. Vento took a moment, examining his living room, feeling a sense of pride build up.

He turned around, going to his kitchen, still feeling a sense of pride. Only for it to come crashing down, razing to the cursed earthly floor. He realized the reason why he doesn’t bake very often.

It because he makes a mess and that passes off his parents, at least when they’re home. They were currently both on a business trip, and thank goodness for Venti because otherwise, they would be mad at him and his mess.

The egg yolk was leaking onto the counter from Venti's multiple attempts at cracking eggs which he always struggled with for some reason. Flour was everywhere, covering the green granite, and the butter was melting as Venti had left it out.

Venti cringed inwardly, regretting his precious moments of pride. He took a deep breath and grabbed a sponge which was also a shade of green. Venti forgot which color to be specific for the sponge.

He began to try and scrub out the flour but then he hit the egg yolk, letting it smear rather than scrubbing it up.

“Agh!” Venti cried out, annoyed. He didn’t know how long it was going to take for him to clean this up before his group came over.
Then as if fate has decided to curse him, the doorbell rang.

“Noooo!” Venti cried out, feeling panicky as his sponge seemed to have failed him and he heard knocking.

He decided to just avoid letting the group members into the kitchen, especially Xiao so he doesn’t see what a mess he was.

Venti rushed over, stopping for a moment to make sure he didn’t have flour or egg on him. Then he spaced out and got distracted by his beauty, loving how his hair was looking.

Ding dong! The doorbell rang again, shocking Venti and making him realize people were waiting. He rushed, grabbing the doorknob and opening it.

“Hello!” Venti said, not seeing who it was till he fully open the door. It was in fact only Xiao. “Xiao!"

“Crap" Venti gulped, not wanting for him of all people to see him poorly especially if he ends up liking him a lot more than his hot body.

“Welcome to my humble abode!” Venti said, gesturing for Xiao to enter. Xiao remained with a default expression, not showing any particular emotions but still seeming hot in Venti’s eyes.

Xiao walked in, taking off his shoes immediately without asking which Venti found very sweet because the answer would’ve been yes regardless. He has designed the living room. To his liking and he doesn’t want to get mud on his sage green carpet.

Xiao then followed Venti’s lead as he led him to the living room, trying to avoid the kitchen as much as possible. Thankfully the kitchen had a door, able to block the mess.

Venti entered the living room, his eyes beeping with stars as his heart swelled with pride for his living room, all made to his liking. He looked back to see Xiao’s reaction, who seemed to be surprised. Venti smirked, feeling confident.

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