Chapter 11.3

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“Make sure you apply the wipes good, okay” Noelle kindly instructs another student. The student had arrived at the infirmary with a bunch of other students as well, injured or hurt by the severity of the assembly earlier today.

The nurse had been overwhelmed and Noelle took numerous classes on first aid and nursing, so she applied to assist the nurse, asking permission first. The nurse allowed it, too busy to think about it as she was dealing with too many injuries.

“Thanks, Noelle!” the student chirped, walking away with a pack of alcohol wipes and band-aids to apply to the severe cut they got. Noelle was still appalled at some of the student’s severe wounds, seeing deep scratches and open wounds. It was as if a bunch of knives had been flung around during the riot.

“Alright next!” Noelle shouted out, seeing the line of students. One student popped, seeming to be the last one. Noelle looked around and saw that the nurse had sat down a while ago, scrolling on her phone. Noelle shrugged and faced the student.

“Hello, what is your wound or injury?” Noelle asked, scanning the student for any potential wounds or injuries.

“Ah, it's just a bruise,” the student said, pointing to their shoulder. Noelle nodded and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer.

“Just use this and sit down for a bit, this should help for now,” Noelle says, softly smiling while handing it to the student.

The student nodded and went to sit down, getting comfortable in one of the beds.

“Okay Noelle, I think it's time you head on out, you have classes still,” the nurse announced, putting away her phone.
“Okay, thanks for allowing me to help,” Noelle chirps, grabbing her bag and heading her way out of the infirmary.

“No, thank you truly, for helping me,” the nurse counters, waving off Noelle’s gratitude. Noelle giggles, waving goodbye and heading down the hallways. It should be her last class, Physics with Mr. Albedo. She prayed that the teacher wouldn’t get mad at her for missing class.

Noelle walked down the hallways, the walls echoing her steps in the lonely and moist corridor. She softly hummed, letting a Mondstadt melody that she had known from her childhood. It always gave her a flashback to one of her happiest days, during the Windblume Festival.

She and her mother volunteered to help out and organize parts of the week-long festival. After spending an entire week helping out, doing mostly lifting and moving things, she was given the easy task of collecting flowers to hand out to people. She enjoyed the times she spent in the fields of Windrise, the big tree in the background providing shade on a hot day.

When taking a small break in the shade of the Windrise tree, she had decided to make a small flower crown out of Windwheel Asters, a flower she always loved. Then while making it, a troupe of bards comes along, each carrying a different wooden instrument. They marched in a single row, playing a dainty tune that Noelle had remembered to this day.

Giggling, young Noelle finishes her flower crown and with her flower basket in tow, follows the troupe of bards back into town. The town was roaring, people in the crowd, singing, dancing, eating and so many merry things. The positivity sprang in the air, contagious to young Noelle’s heart.

She eventually found her mom who was waiting for sticky honey roasts, a favorite meal that she enjoys. For some particular reason, the meal was extra sweet, making it all the better in Noelle’s mind. Eventually, she handed the flower basket to her mom, helping her gift out flowers to everyone.

The night ended out softly, singing and more food, filling Noelle’s belly and making her so happy. She went to sleep, sleeping and having an amazing dream that she still hasn’t quite recalled what it was till this day. Nonetheless, the memory of that day was Noelle’s favorite, a moment of pure and nonstop happiness.

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