Chapter 11.6

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Thankfully Lisa didn't actually scream, her mouth covered preemptively by a hand she knew very well. The hand was calloused and smelled of dandelion, a lotion from Mondstadt that only one person in town imports into the town.

Lisa opened her eyes, having shut them in fear, and saw Jean, her face stricken with worry and fear. The librarian let out a sigh, thankful it was just her, then tries to speak before she hears someone else's voice.

"Jean, where did you go, we still need to find those receipts," a chilly voice said, laced with a sultry undertone and battered in an intense greedy passion.

"Uh over here, I have them in my hand," Jean replies, unwavering. Lisa always admired Jean's ability to stand strong and seem fine during hard times or when there was lots of pressure on her, but at the same time, it was a curse.

"Good then, I'll head back to my office, I particularly dislike the library," Lady Signora said. Lisa heard footsteps get quieter than a door open and close with a slam. Before she could make a peep, Jean steps out and checks, glancing to make Signora wasn't spying on them.

Once Jean gave a thumbs up, Lisa let out a grant breath that she was too scared to let out. After a moment of processing, Lisa begins to ask questions.

"Jean! What are you doing here?" Lisa asks, still holding onto the document.

"Me! I should be asking you that," Jean exclaims. Lisa pauses, then responds.

"Fine!" Lisa says, rolling her eyes, "I came here because I wanted to know what the hell was going on with this move decision, like why would you agree to this Jean?" Lisa asks, grasping Jean's wrist.

"I-," Jeans says, stuttering a bit. "I- may be its best if you read the document first," Jean says, mumbling a bit. Lisa arches an eyebrow and looks down at the document. It was kept in a manilla envelope and when she opened it, she saw one page. Lisa gulped, all it took was one page to ruin and hurt numerous families.

She begins to read.

For a decision of this magnitude, it will require all four approval and signatures of the Genshin District. Once all four have signed, then the Genshin High School will be relocated to the Golden Apple Archipelago, rendering the Genshin District without a high school or any governing body.

"Wait what," Lisa chokes out, confused at the last part. "Will no Superintendent be staying behind?" Lisa asks, hound that maybe the district would become a town under Liyue it something. It was a back burner plan she had.

"No, the district exists for the high school. The high school relocation is going to become more of a boarding school than a high school in a town because of the archipelago's small size and severe tide changes. Once the high school moves, all families are expected to leave the district and return to their home country," Jean explains. Lisa felt a gut punch, remembering how severe the situation was.

"T-this is worse than I thought, but why would you agree to this?" Lisa asks again, still confused. Reading the document just gave her further confusion and fear for the district, seeing that the move will not only hurt families it will desolate the town.

"I didn't want to, but Lady Signora made me," Jean says, gulping. Lisa could see tears pricking the strong woman's eyes, her heart wretched over the sight.

"Who was she going to hurt?" Lisa asks, right away understanding Jean's point of view a bit more.

"Klee," Jean chokes out. "To make sure Klee's future wasn't ruined, I had agreed to do fulfill whatever wish Lady Signora had, and this was the time she chose to do so. The other principals had already agreed for mysterious reasons and I was the only one not budging," Jean explains.

Lisa nods, finally understanding. But she couldn't help but wonder about the other principals. She knew them, ate dinner with them on numerous occasions, even picked one up from the airport. So, hearing them give in so easily to Lady Signora's demand stung.

"I just wished you told me, Jean, then I would understand and not be angry at you like everyone else," Lisa says solemnly. The principal reaches out, patting Lisa's shoulder. Lisa shifted forward and the two hugs, Lisa leaning her head on Jean's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Lisa, old habits die hard," Jean mutters, her breath warming Lisa's neck in the cold library. The two stand like that, hugging, missing each other's comfort and warmth. Eventually Jean lets go.

"I wish I could go home with you right now, But Lady Signora is likely going to be mad at me for letting her wait for so long. So, please be careful, I'll help you get out of the window," Jean says. Lisa nods, melancholic their moment had to end so abruptly but she understood.

"Okay," Lisa whispers, tired and worried. Jean walks Lisa over to the window, then got on one knee. Lisa wished she would get on one knee for another reason, hoping her fantasy would come true one day. Sadly, that day was not today, and Lisa stepped on Jean's leg, reaching up to the window.

Lisa felt Jean's hands reach over and push her legs up, supporting her attempt at climbing over. Finally, Lisa swings one leg over the windowsill, balancing herself.

"I love you," Lisa says with a terrifying mixture of worry and love for Jean.

"I love you too," Jean replies, waving goodbye as Lisa falls over the other side, outside the looming building. Lisa gulps, then walk away, terrified at what Lady Signora was doing to the district.

End of Chapter 10

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