Chapter 7.11

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Xingqiu gasped when he saw it, the envelope. In a yellow envelope, it read “From the Decathlon” and Xingqiu felt his body froze. He reached into the mailbox, grabbing the yellow paper, and taking it out, admiring the daisy yellow color. He was surprised to see the people behind the decathlon mail out the literature test results out so whimsically.

When applying for the decathlon, he chose to join the debate and the literature subject, partaking in a debate and doing the test plus essay for literature. The debate part was a breeze for him, something he didn’t struggle much with. But the literature portion, he struggled.

He had grown up reading books, reading every book he could get his hand on, and spending entire nights too engaged in an exciting book to fall asleep. So, when hearing about the literature portion, he thought he would excel and glide through it easily. Well, he was wrong, because he was caught off guard by the book choices and how the test worked.

What he hoped the test would have details about the book and some analysis regarding it. What he didn’t expect was having to write multiple essays on the book within the test and then a bigger essay about a different book to submit before taking the test. It sent Xingqiu into a frenzy, panicking and trying his best to bullcrap his way for the test essays, hoping he could get a good grade.

His stomach clenched a bit, seeing the yellow envelope and knowing that it could hold very devasting answers for him. He wanted to hide the envelope, read it by himself and deal with his parents later, that way he could have more control over the situation. What he didn’t expect though was that his father was right behind him.

“What do you have there?” his father asked, arching an eyebrow as his glasses shifted forward on his nose. Xingqiu jumped, startled to hear his father.

“W-what, father? Why are you here?” Xingqiu asked, confused and pale as a ghost.

“You were taking too long, and your mother made me make sure you’re alright,” his father answered, then shifting his attention back to the yellow envelope. “Now tell me, what’s in your hands?” his father asked, his eyes glaring.

“U-uh it’s just from a friend and…” Xingqiu stuttered, trying to excuse himself but he made the mistake of turning the letter around.

“The DECATHLON!” his father exclaimed, reaching out and grabbing the letter before Xingqiu could protest.

“W-wait no!” Xingqiu cried out, his heart racing, scared of his parents’ reaction. His father dashed inside the house, Xingqiu following suit.

“Honey! Look what your son tried to hide?” his father said, his eyes glinting dangerously. Xingqiu’s stomach dropped, knowing the look, the same look that got his older brother to disappear out of his life. Xingqiu knew his parents were crazy, psychotic almost, and today was going to prove another example of that.

“Oh what?” his mother asked, peeking her head from around the corner. Xingqiu noticed his dad tracking dirt in the house despite having already cleaned it. his efforts going to waste by the same people who demanded cleanliness at an insane rate.

“Your son’s results from his literature test in the decathlon!” his father answered. Xingqiu knew there was no point in fighting, what was already in motion couldn’t be stopped. So, he waited by the door, scared, his body trembling at the possible results.

“Oh lovely, I’m sure he did well,” his mother chirped, which seems positive. Xingqiu weakly nodded and smiled, going along with his parents’ charades.
“Let’s have a look now” His father beamed, his eyes feeling fake in whatever happiness it was trying to show.

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