Chapter 6.4

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Jean paced around her living room, repeatedly calling Alice’s number to try and find her. Yet every time she dials the number in, the call drops, Alive ignoring her calls.

“UGH!” Jean cried out, getting frustrated and scared. She could hear Klee running around in the other room, panting and tired. She knew that Klee only does this when anxious and worried, tiring herself out of the negative emotions. She developed the habit from Barbra while she was babysitting the small blonde child.

Jean tried again to call Alice, using the same number but then something new happened.

“This number is unavailable,” her phone said in its robotic voice. Jean froze, fearing that Alice was being for real and really going to leave her child.

“Alice, please no,” Jean whimpered, her hands shaking as she realizes that Alice has gotten rid of her SIM card, burning bridges.

Unable to call her or even try to track her phone, Jean fell to the ground, feeling defeated.

Jean looked at the envelope, seeing the letter peek out a bit. She swallowed and grabs it, rereading it, hearing Alice’s voice in her head as if she was reading it.

Dear those I love,

I have made the decision to leave. I do love you all, Barbra, Jean, and Klee, I do but I can’t stay put anymore. This town invited Jean and me for some reason, reasons I’m still not sure to this day. While I wasn’t very interested, seeing it to be small and cramped, I knew that potential success Klee could have from being in the district from a young age, going off to do so much in her future. Klee, my lovely child, deserved so much, I knew she was capable of so much the moment she was born, smiling and laughing.

So I went to the Genshin District and stayed for Klee. Due to boredom and passion that wouldn’t last for long, I decided to start an entertainment business. I found Barbra who was perfect so I took her in and trained her.

But over time, her fanbase grew and she became so popular, much more than I expected. Then I realized I got bored and was becoming depressed from managing, not feeling inspired, or having the motivation to continue. But I tried for Barbra, realizing I have a young girl who is holding her dreams in my hands.

I wanted to stop but I was scared, scared to see Barbra break. Then I realized that I had another young girl with her dreams in my hand, yet I wasn’t doing anything with them. Klee, I love her so much but as I became a manager, I had less time and o lost the chance to connect with my daughter, yet she idolized me. Every time we talked, she would say the most amazing things about me but yet, I’m not what she thinks I am.

The pressure of the two girls became so much and I remembered one night of my old dreams to see the world. Another reason why I came to the Genshin District, to be able to see the world. Yet the world felt so small here, and I knew I needed to leave. I wasn’t strong enough to break it to Barbra that I can’t help her or be the mother Klee thinks I am, so I left. Jean, I’m sorry for leaving this to you, you are truly an incredible individual and I hope all the best for you.

Goodbye and please don’t find me, I’ll come back one day that’s for sure,


Jean felt her tears swell out of her eyes, streaming down her face as she feels anger. She was mad now, at Alice for recklessly leaving Barbra and Klee, something she now had to deal with.

She wasn’t the one with children or the one who took on a too ambitious project to debut a group. She was a leaving high school principal who had a girlfriend and a lovely home.
In the corner of the eye, Jean sees Klee, eavesdropping yet her blonde hair stood out from Jean’s light blue wallpapers. Jean sighed, calming herself down a bit and wiping her tears.

“Jean, is everything alright?” Klee asked, realizing she had been caught.

“Not really, Klee,” Jean said bluntly, and Klee walked into the living room, confused. Jean decided it was time to explain, there is no point in lying

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