VI. Happy J-line.

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I'm so so stupid. Why did I said that. Gosh. I hid my face on my hands. Stop Mina.

I did had a great time. The experience was all new. To converse with someone who doesn't know a thing about me, felt nice. Like I get to feel normal for once. Not that I'm abnormal, I mean like a normal cperson living a normal life. Those who I get to meet mostly knew me thru articles or have watched previous interviews. It's way different to have someone know you in a normal private conversation. It's kind of refreshing actually. Maybe it's not bad at all to have a friend outside work.

I'm almost there at the restaurant where Sana and Momo unnies are. So i got to fix myself. They might notice something. What is that something? Even i ask myself. And I don't even have answers. This is really confusing.

I arrived at the restaurant, but before I go inside I took a deep breath.

I went straight to the second floor and immediately saw Sana who was showing Momo something on her phone.

Me: Hi.

When it's just the 3 of us, we made sure to talk using our mother tongue (Japanese). Cause sometimes we tend to forget due to we always need to speak in korean.

Momo: hi minaring

She said before taking a spoonful of what looked like an avocado icecream.

Sana: what took you so long?

She said as she offered a spoon of what look like a mocha or coffee icecream. I shook my head.

Me: thanks. I can't get a cab right away.

Momo: Where did you go? We went to your room earlier you were gone already.

Me: yeah I went out bought some groceries. Then had lunch at my fave restaurant.

I suddenly remembered what happened in the grocery even our lunch. I remembered her, Chaeyoung. How she stepped in and help me. How her round eyes stare into mine. How her face lifts up when she smiles.

Sana: Minaring? Mina?

I snapped back from my thoughts when I heard a loud clap.

Momo: sorry... Sorry...

She was apologizing at the people around. Good thing there are two, a couple near the window. I realized Sana clapped her hand too loudly just to get my attention.

Sana: Minari. I've been calling you many times. Are you okay? Can't you hear me?

Me: Sorry I just got lost in my thoughts.

Momo: yeah you were lost there for a minute. You can't hear us.

Momo went closer staring at me.

Momo: I'm intrigued. What is this thoughts of yours that made you smile and blush at the same time.

She said with her usual teasing tone. Her eyebrows wiggling up and down.

Me: I'm not...

I suddenly hid my cheeks in my hands

Sana: Yes you are. What is it that you're not telling us?

Momo: spill it. You were not alone right?

Mina: what? I was alone. It's just... Just...

Sana clapped again and wore that devilish smile.

Sana: i knew it! You're stuttering. You're not a great liar Mina.

Momo: yeah too pure to lie.

Sana: an angel who just left her halo at home.

Me: yah unnie! Stop it. I was alone okay.

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