LXXI. A Tragic Almost-Love Story.

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There she is, wearing a black above the knee tube dress. She looked more prettier. I smiled at her

These past few days I've been missing her terribly. PDnim just informed me earlier that his lawyers checked thoroughly that Grandpa has nothing legal to hold onto the company. My contract also is not yet done so he can't do anything to us. PDnim also checked thru his cousin, which is Chaeng's boss, that Grandpa doesn't have anything with his company either.

For the first time in days I felt relieved as if I was now freely breathing. Seeing her won't hurt, isn't it?

Finally I get to see her, be with her. I feel like tearing up as she slowly made her way through the crowd.

She was halfway through when PDnim suddenly appeared from my side.

PDnim: Mina, we got a problem.

I looked at him right away concerned.

PDnim: I just talked to one of the board of directors just now and a wealthy businessman bought 45% of the agency's share. I asked him who was it. It was him Mina. He's here, your grandfather.

Me: What? He did that?

PDnim: Yes he did that's more than my share meaning he have some power over the board. I was told he was even in talks with another shareholder.

Me: No.

I panicked. PDnim took hold both my arms.

PDnim: Don't fall out on me yet Mina. This is not the end. There's still a way. But I need you to do something first. This maybe asking too much of you but it's...

Them I saw him, my Grandpa sitting alone in a table. His eyes piercing on mine. I will not let him win. If it's for the girls, the company and for Chaeng, I'll do anything.

Me: tell me what I need to do.

PDnim told me his plan which brought back the pang in my heart. No, not again. Why does it always have to be this way. What can I do? There's no other way.

PDnim: Just bear with it for now. That'll give us more time. I'll keep you updated.

He then disappeared in the crowd.

My eyes then found her. She was staring at me with confused eyes. I don't know how I looked but she might have sensed what I'm feeling.

She started walking towards me much faster than before. While I, did nothing.

She almost reached me when Rowan appeared. He's PDnim's nephew which only Twice and the managers know. He then asked if he could dance with me. I looked at PDnim who nodded at me. Rowan then stepped backward and bowed in front of me then offered his hand.

Think Mina. I saw everything all at once. I was aware of the confused look Chaeng gave me. The worried eyes PDnim wore while looking at me. The nervous stare on Rowan's eyes. Even the piercing stare my Grandpa have.

I know what I had to do. But my heart is giving me a hard time to do it. I composed myself and for the last time I looked at Chaeng.

I then looked at Rowan, smiled and made a curtsy. I then accepted his hand. I wasn't aware that the people around us was looking until they gasped as Rowan kissed the back of my hand before putting it to his arm.

Just like that we were blinded by the flashes from cameras that suddenly surrounded us. Rowan led me towards the center of the floor. He stopped at the center, faced me, lifted my hand then put his other hand on my waist. I then responded by putting my hand on his shoulder and smiled.

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