XLIII. Chaeng's Love made Visible.

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I was about to go inside when Chaeng called me and ran towards me.

Chaeng: Can you please join me for dinner later.

I admit I was shocked. She haven't saod much earlier and we were very awkward. I thought that was it. We'll be back to not seeing each other again. But now this...

I didn't know what to say but my body seems thinking by itself. I nodded unconsciously.

Chaeng: Dinner at 7 then.

She smiled and said goodbye again and ran goofily. I chuckled, isn't she too energetic for someone who just passed out earlier.

I watched her until she reached her villa. Once she's at her porch she looked my way and gave me a huge wave. I waved back laughing at her. I turn and entered my villa smiling.

I spent the rest of the day reading a book at the porch. Or should I say tried reading. I don't know how many times I've read again and again the Chapter 9. I can't help it, occasionally I glance at her villa. I often forget about the time when I'm reading. I set an alarm so I won't forget about Chaeng's dinner. But this time it was different. I kept glancing at my watch then go back reading. That went on and on.

At 5:45 pm, my alarm went off. I immediately stood up and did a little stretching before I hit the shower. By 6:35 I was done with my shower, hair drying, did a little makeup and dress up. I decided to sit by the porch.

I started to get nervous. Why? It'll be like what we usually did before. Yes Mina, that's before you realize your feelings for her. I said to myself. When I realize I have feelings for her, I decided not to entertain that feeling. But was it right to even accept her dinner invitation?

I unconsciously glance at her villa where there she was waving at me. She then gestured for me to come which I did for I automatically stood and walk my way there.

My mind was whirling with thoughts as I walk towards her villa. This is just a friendly dinner which is her way of saying thank you for my help. So I'd just act naturally like how I talk and act with my members. Just ignore her flirting.

I reached her villa, there she was standing by her porch.

Chaeng: Hi, you look lovely tonight.

Me: Stop it, you're making me blush.

She smiled, gosh those dimples.

Chaeng: Good, I miss how red you can be.

I just made face at her which she was shocked to see. I haven't even entered her villa, yet she already starts flirting.

Chaeng: Wow, that's a first. Yet, you failed terribly on making a face. You still look gorgeous.

Me: Oh shut up.

I playfully hit her. She laughed and opened the door for me.

Chaeng: Pretty ladies first.

I smiled and confidently walk in. As soon as I entered her villa I noticed the dimly lit room. I then smelled a delicious and familiar aroma. I reached the dinning area and saw it's already set up. It has four lit candles giving out a romantic feel. What? Mina, stop thinking about that. Nothing about this night is romantic. It's just a thank you dinner.

Me: Wow, that smelled good. Looks like the chef topped her game huh.

Chaeng: She did. Please have a seat.

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