LIV. Sensations.

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The rain started to pour heavily when we were almost at the hotel.
I watched by the window how the rain showers the earth.

My thoughts drifted to what happened earlier. I was so terrified of the thought that I won't be able to see her again if she didn't resurface. That's why I feel so much pain cause I don't want to lose her again.

Manager unnie was able to borrow a wheelchair from the hotel's clinic. I took the liberty of helping Mina, so from the lobby I pushed her towards the elevator up until her room. I helped her stand and sit by the sofa.

Momo went in and handed Mina her bag.

Momo: We'll go shower first. You can help her right.

She said smiling and winking at me before she walked out of the room.

What was that? I looked at Mina who seemed to be looking at her bag. I wonder if she saw what Momo did.

Me: You wash first. I'll help you towards the bathroom. Wait let's cover your wound first so that the bandages won't get wet.

I went out of the room then came back holding the chips. I took the chips out of the plastic, put her foot inside the plastic and seal it as tight as possible.

Mina: Thanks.

She then took some clothes and toiletries and tried to stand. I hurriedly went beside her, helped her stand and walk towards the bathroom.

Once we reached the shower area she let go and leaned at the wall. I then thought she will have a hard time washing up while balancing on one foot.

She might have been wondering why I was still there standing. I heard her cleared her throat.

Mina: Thanks Chaeng, I could manage it from here.

Me: I don't think you'll be able to do everything while standing on one foot. Wait, Ill get a chair for you .

I came back with a chair and helped her to sit on it. Put the small table from beside the sink towards the shower door. She put my clothes there.

Me: There, that's better. Call me when you need me.

I nodded and she smiled then turn and went out of the bathroom. After a minute she called me and ask to help her unzip her wet suit.

What? Unzip her. Thoughts suddenly came flooding on my mind. I went in and helped her unzip it. I unzip it all the way and help her take it off her shoulders which I wish I shouldn't have.

It was like a scene from a movie that I've seen a lot of times. As if it was on slow motion, as the wetsuit goes lower her nape is slowly getting exposed then followed by her shoulders. Men on movies would go touch it and kiss those areas. Now I understand why they do it. When you're in that position with someone you really like and you're so close to her, you will really feel the urge.

I went closer to her, gently touching her nape. Her skin looked so delicate, so soft. I gently caress her skin. Taking my time, feeling every skin that I touch from her nape towards her shoulders. I feel the fire slowly burning. This is not good.

I took hold of her shoulders turn her to make her face me. I stared at her angelic face. She's painstakingly pretty that makes it more harder to resist.

I took some strands of hair off her face then gently caressed her cheeks with my hand. My heart beats wildly as I lower her wet suit.



I was watching her the whole time.
Despite of all the hurtful things I said last night, she still saved me and even help me til now. I felt so guilty and yet thankful. You really are something Chaeng.

Me: Chaeng! Chaeng?

Chaeng: Yes, you called?

I smiled as I saw her head pop out of the bathroom door but her eyes were closed.

Me: yeah, Uhm. I'm still decent. It's just that I can't unzip my wet suit. Can you?

Chaeng: sure.

She went in, helped me stand and unzip my wetsuit all the way down. She then slowly slide the wet suit from my shoulders down to my arms.

I had my arms on my chest preventing the wetsuit from exposing my chest.

I thought she was done, I was about to turn but to my surprise I felt her hand gently caress my nape. I was rooted in place as wave after wave of sensations run throughout my body. I closed my eyes feeling her touch as her gentle hands made its way towards my shoulder. My heart's getting erratic that I can feel it's beating even on my ears. I felt her body moved closer. I'm getting nervous yet thrilled on this new sensations that I'm allowing myself to feel.

Then it suddenly stopped. I heard her said in a hurried voice. "I'll go now". Then she was gone.

I opened my eyes, made my way back to the chair staring at the door. What was that?

It was nerve wracking but I was somewhat disappointed. I was expecting more for I can't deny that it felt good. What more if she continued it. I remembered the same feeling back at the Villa where she got so close and almost kissed me. Why was I feeling these things?

Only Chaeng can make me feel these different emotions, even new sensations and she's making me wanting more.

Uggghh! What are you doing to me Chaeng!

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