LXXIV. Chill.

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Life became slow after what happened to the ball. When I reached home I was just stuck. I went straight to the terrace and stared at the view.

One week have passed and I was still lifeless. I just lost interest on anything, everything.

Why does this keeps happening to me? Why is she doing this?

Yet I can't even blame her. I really felt something's off. The hardest part is I can't even do anything about it. It was all up to her.

It was my last chance of trying to make her choose me. Whatever it is she's going through, it's so obvious that she'll never choose me. Maybe she doesn't like me that much or not at all. That's it, it all ended there. I need to let her go now.

I took my phone and dialled Mark's number.

Me: Hey, it's me. Let's go out. You know any cool bar around?

Mark: Woah! The zombie's awake now?

Me: Oh shut it.

Mark: Chill girl. Well, You're asking the right guy. There's this new place I've recently discovered that's so cool.

Me: Cool. See yah, your place at 7.

Mark: Got it. I'm glad you're back.

Me: I'm glad too.

I was a bit early yet I honked at his house. I stood outside and sat at the hood of my car.

Mark: Yah! Why do you have to honk. You could've just called.

He said as he hurriedly went towards me at the same time looking around his neighbor's houses.

Me: Hey Mark.

As he turned to look at me, I throw him the keys which startled him yet he managed to catch it. I laughed at his expression.

Mark: what the! Chaeyoung! Why do you always do that?

Me: Hand it over the if you don't want.

I said about to reach out for the key. He then walked more faster and used the key to start the car.

Mark: Never said I don't want.

We went in the car and Mark can't still get enough how pretty my car was.

Me: Are we just gonna sit here and watch you eye fuck my car?

Mark: Chill girl! Really? Eye fuck?

I laughed at him. He then started to drive. 30 minutes later we arrived at a dome like building with a huge sign, Chill.

It was his turn to laugh. Yeah, that's why he kept saying chill girl.

We went in and I was amazed how modern the place was. A staff led us to a VIP room.

Me: Nice. This is something else. I'm impressed, VIP already huh.

Our room had a terrace that overlooks the stage and dance floor. I sat across from Mark.

Mark: Yeah, the manager sort of have a thing for me. You'll meet her in a few seconds.

Me: A thing for you huh.

Then the door suddenly opened revealing a serious looking woman. She's clearly a foreigner with her blonde hair and tall frame.

Woman: Mark, I was told you're here.

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