LVII. Miss Independent.

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I went with my family to their hotel. I was impressed with the room JYP gave my family. A suite that's so big like what we had in Jeju island. There were 4 rooms the biggest room is where my brother and his wife and kids stays. The 2nd largest would be my Mama and Papa's so the last room which is a single room is where I'm staying for the night.

I went outside the terrace and was met by an awesome view of the city. I then felt something was put on my shoulder. I turned it was Papa who put a blanket on me.

Papa: it's cold out here. You're always like that even when you're just a kid. So excited to see snow or go outside that you always forgot to wear your jacket.

I smiled at Papa. I remember he and Mama always chase me with my jacket.

Papa: When you see something you want you tend to forget other things.

I looked at him and wonder what's on his mind to say that.

Me: Pa, i will never forget you and Mama.

He looked at me and smiled.

Papa: I know baby.

A few minutes had passed with us just staring at the view. It was Papa who broke the silence.

Papa: I recognized your friend, so she's friends with the members too huh.

Here it goes. I knew this moment would come that he'd be asking about Chaeng.

Me: Yes Papa, it was JYP who introduced her to the others.

Papa: JYP?

Me: Yes. It turns out that Chaeng was the architect of our agency's new building which I had no idea at all. Chaeng also didn't know me as part of Twice. She's not into kpop at all. Not until she saw me perform at the new building's inauguration.

Papa: I see. Are you and her...

Me: Papa, there's no me and her even before. It's been 2 years since I stayed away from her.

Papa: I'm sorry baby. Don't mean to pry. I just... I'm just worried for...

Me: It's okay Papa. I know what you're thinking and you don't have to worry about it. I didn't even know she'll be watching. Remember the other girls also know her.

He went and hugged me sideways.

Papa: okay baby. I just don't want to make things get complicated for you.

Me: It won't.

Really Mina? But you're no longer trying to stay away nor ignore her. I admit I don't think the same way as before. It's getting harder now ever since our vacation.

Maybe we can be friends. Can we stay to be just friends? Yes. We have to. I have no choice.

Me: Papa, how's grandpa?

Papa: He's the same. Though he's been ill recently. He says it's nothing. Don't worry baby, nothing bad will happen.

I remember some memories I had with my grandpa. I grew up wanting to be close to him. Whenever we see each other he always ask me how was I in school. He wasn't keen on me doing ballet but as long as it won't affect my grades he's okay with it.

Papa: i think it's still best to do everything he wants. You know what I mean right?

Me: Yes papa. I will.

Papa: I trust you baby. But remember whatever problem you may have, you always have me and mama. You can count on us.

I went to him and hugged him.

Me: I know Papa. Don't worry I will.

Papa: Sometimes I doubt that. Cause you always want to solve things by yourself. You have always been more mature for your age.

I smiled at him. He's right as much as possible I don't want to involve my parents when I have problems.

Papa: That's your mama in you. Always have been independent. That's why I'm proud of you.

Although I'm independent, Mama and Papa still thinks of me like a child. But whenever I go home or whenever they visit, I always find myself clinging to them. I always miss them.

I felt my tiredness when I lay down on the bed. I recall what happened earlier. There's a different kind of joy whenever we have a concert. That high energy coming from the crowd energizes us. We don't feel the tiredness at all.

My favorite part is always the encore. As we freely roam on the stage, we get to focus more on the crowd. This is the part where we can do anything we want.

I didn't even know that my family was watching me the whole time. It was unexpected to have all of them there. I'm happy I'd get to spend time with them before our world tour starts.

What surprised me the most was Chaeng. I really didn't expect for her to come and watch, though I did hoped. She didn't even send me a message when we parted with good spirits when we went back from Jeju island. She's getting hard to read nowadays.

I then remember her message when we were at the restaurant. She was being sweet, giving me compliments and she even asked me out. Her asking me out is very untimely since we'll be on tour. I wonder would she still be that friendly?

What are you up to Chaeng?

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