XXXIII. Lesson learned.

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Oh no... My mind went blank at the same time I was confused on whats going on.

I feel very nervous as she's getting closer and closer while holding my hand.

Chaeyoung: Mina I...

She paused for a while, her eyes still staring, piercing into mine. She was about to speak but stopped as my phone rang. We both looked at where my phone was. I gasped when I caught a glimpse of the clock.

Me: Oh no!

It was almost 1am. No wonder why I've been receiving calls. I looked at her, she also looked alarmed.

Me: Sorry, I have to go.

She nodded and I gave her the blanket and went inside. I took my phone and saw a lot of missed calls and messages from the girls specially Jihyo. I hurriedly hailed an Uber.

Chaeyoung: It's late, why don't you spend the night here

Me: uhmm. I can't I have an early appointment and besides I already hailed an Uber.

Chaeyoung: Oh okay. That'll be safe then. It's hard to find taxi here.

She then face palmed herself. I laughed at her for she looked silly hitting herself. I looked at her questionly.

Chaeyoung: Stupid me I forgot I just got my car earlier today. I could take you home.

Me: No need. The car's almost here.

I showed her the app. I then took my bag and wear the mask, cap and coat. She then led me to the door up until downstairs.

The car was already there when we went outside. I turned to look at her.

Me: I had fun, thanks for inviting me and specially for the dinner.

Chaeyoung: no, thank you for fulfilling my dreams. I'll surely sleep soundly tonight.

I hit her arm while laughing.

Me: you silly. I'll go now thanks.

I was about to turn around when she took hold of my arm pulled me to her and hugged me.

Chaeyoung: take care. I'm so happy to spend the night with you angel.

It was so cold outside yet suddenly I felt warm in her arms. I felt a thousand volts of electricity shot althroughout my body, instantly freezing me.

I don't know what to do so I just smiled as she let me go. I got back to my senses when my phone rang again so I said bye again and hurriedly went in the car. As soon as the car started I answered the phone afraid of what I might hear.

Jihyo: Yah! Do you know how many times I called!

Her voice was so loud that I swear the driver heard it too.

Me: sorry I didn't hear the ringing.

Jihyo: Were you that busy then? Seems like you had fun huh. The girls are here all looking at me. I said all I know is that you went out that I don't know where.

Her voice suddenly went low almost a whisper and she said it hurriedly. Then suddenly went back to her loud voice.

Jihyo: Where are you?! Do you know what time it is! How worried we are.

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