Vibrating boxers

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The next day...

No one's pov

Kol and Davina arrived back at the compound with smiles on their faces and Kol's arm draped around Davina's shoulders. They were dressed in different clothes from last night as Kol had thought ahead and packed some spare clothes, Davina had on a black leather jacket over a maroon red tank top and denim jeans while Kol was just in a plain white t-shirt and black jeans.

"We're home" Kol announced as they walked through the door "welcome home dirty stop outs" Klaus said making Kol smirk "we stopped at a hotel for the night" Kol replied with his arm now behind Davina's back with his hand resting on her hip, holding her to his side.

"You could've informed us, we got worried" Klaus replied making Kol shrug "sorry brother, I had other priorities last night" Kol replied gesturing to Davina who narrowed her eyes at him "we fell asleep after we had sex is what he means to say" she said "darling you don't have to tell him" he said "you were the one who said he had other priorities and gestured to me and I know your brother is a lot of things but an idiot is not one of them so I think he knows what you meant" Davina retorted and Kol just stuck his tongue at her making her stick her tongue out at him and he leaned forward to kiss her so she pulled her head back with a giggle making him pout.

"Well I'm glad you had a nice time last night but now we need to get serious" Klaus said clearing his throat making the couple break eye contact because they had been giving each other flirty eyes. "Ugh what now? Who did you piss off?" Davina asked making Kol smirk as he rubbed her hip "I didn't piss off anyone" Klaus retorted in an offended tone "oh come on you, it's you we're talking about, you piss off everyone" she replied making Kol snicker.

"Well I didn't piss off anyone this time, that I know of" Klaus replied making Davina sigh "that you know of? Jesus Klaus this is why you don't have any friends" she said making Kol burst out laughing at the offended look on his brothers face "darling meeting you and impregnating you is the best thing I ever did" he said planting a kiss on the side of Davina's head.

"Yeah what a girl you found" Klaus grumbled "she's a delight" Kol replied making Davina smile "anyway going back to the matter at hand, why do we need to get serious?" she questioned "come join us in the living room, the others are waiting" Klaus replied "by others I hope you mean my sister, Elijah and Rebekah and just them and not the bitch witch" Davina remarked as she moved away from Kol as they followed his brother to the living room.

"No she's gone out" Klaus replied "really? I didn't think the bitch went anywhere" Kol scoffed as they entered the living room "how'd the date go?" Rebekah asked as he and Davina walked over to sit on the empty couch "it was amazing, Kol took me on a romantic boat ride and he took me to a nice little restaurant where I had gumbo which was delicious and then we went to a hotel for the night" Davina explained resting a hand on her baby bump as she felt the baby moving around.

"Never knew you could be so romantic Kol" Rebekah teased to which Kol scowled and flipped her the bird "I happen to be quite the romantic if you must know" he retorted as he put his hand down "only for Davina" Rebekah shot back to which Kol just winked at Davina when she looked at him.

"Attention please we have an important and serious matter to discuss" Klaus said as he stood in the centre of the room with his siblings and the two pregnant wolfs "I've been made aware by Marcel that some of the witches do not want to have peace with us, they want us gone from New Orleans which isn't gonna happen because this is our city however Marcel isn't quite sure who the witches are so I decided to host a ball where all factions are invited, vampires, werewolves and witches and there we will hopefully be able to figure out the witches who have a problem with us" Klaus explained "are you sure we can trust Marcel's information, you know he's still not exactly thrilled about having lost the French Quarter to you" Kol spoke up he of course didn't really trust Marcel.

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