Part 2-The start

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So this is the introduction to part 2 of this story, the story that is told I know it's not quite what Rebekah said to Hope but I'm just putting my own spin on it so I hope you like it

Three months later...

No one's pov

"Once upon a time there were two Kings both powerful, handsome, strong but troubled men. They ruled a Kingdom alongside those they loved, their family. People feared the Kings for their power, their knowledge, their past and their known terrible tempers. Though the Kings were seen as cold and heartless to most, they were loyal, caring and protective to those they held dear" Rebekah spoke as she sat in a rocking chair with a three month old Hope and a three month old Veida. The two baby girls were looking up at their aunt in awe.

"One day the two kings learned they were to be fathers, both the kings and their family were stunned by the news as it was not expected. The impending news spread out all over the Kingdom making people surprised, fearful and judgeful" Rebekah spoke as she hummed smiling lovingly at her baby nieces.

"The mothers who carried these children were both immensely beautiful and strong Queens. Both having the will power to deal with the two Kings stubborn and sometimes childish natures" she spoke softly "I can hear you and I am not stubborn nor am I childish!" Kol yelled back from somewhere in the house. Rebekah rolled her eyes and shook her head before smiling as she looked back down at the baby girls in her arms.

"One of the Queens caught the eye of the most wild of the Kings. A beautiful bond formed between the king and the Queen who carried his child. The King was taken by this beautiful feisty Queen and he knew he wanted her to be his Queen They grew protective of one another without knowing they were falling deeply in love with each other" Rebekah spoke with a smile.

"The two Queens went on to give birth to beautiful babies. One Queen gave birth to a beautiful little girl, a princess while the other gave birth to two beautiful, healthy babies, a gorgeous baby boy, a prince and a beautiful baby girl a princess. The Kings were over the moon of the birth of their children but all was not safe" she spoke warmly Veida was nearly asleep but was fighting it while Hope was wide awake.

"Terror arose in the Kingdom, threats emerged posing harm to the three newborn babies so a choice was made by the oldest of the two kings to send his little princess away somewhere safe while he stayed and made the Kingdom safe with the help of his brother and the mother of his child" she spoke and paused before continuing. 

"This hurt the King to send his beloved princess away but he knew it was the right thing to do in order to keep her safe. The other King and his Queen made the choice to stay away from the kingdom and lay low with their children to keep them safe. The King and Queen also took the other princess with them to keep her safe" Rebekah spoke smiling as Veida yawned followed by Hope.

"After the children were sent away, the King who remained in the Kingdom closed the palace doors and the Kingdom mourned for the children who they believed had perished in a terrible tragedy. The King grew cold and distant without his little princess so to distract himself from his heartache at not having his little princess, he turned his attention to defeating his enemies and making the Kingdom safe and whole again. He knew one day they would reunite and when that day came he would be waiting with open arms to encase his little princess and welcome her home" Rebekah finished as the two baby girls finally fell asleep.

Rebekah smiled and listened to her nieces steady heartbeats before lifting her head up as she heard footsteps approaching. Kol emerged in the doorway "Veida asleep?" he asked "they both are. How's Axel doing?" Rebekah asked as she carefully stood up and made her way over to the cribs. She gently placed Veida and Hope in their cribs before turning to her brother.

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