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No one's pov

3 hours later...

Hayley, Elijah, Rebekah and Kayla all perk their heads up as they hear the sound of a car pulling up outside. They all exchange looks before standing up, Hayley tightens her hold on Hope "it's them, they're back" Kayla said as she peered out the window and saw Kol and Davina getting out the car followed by Klaus and Demetri.

"They're back sooner than I expected" Rebekah replied she thought they would've been gone longer "is that a good thing or bad thing?" Hayley asked looking at the others "well, they don't seem to be roughed up and they seem to be in good spirits so I would say it's a good thing" Kayla replied as she stepped away from the window.

Kayla went and grabbed Veida from the play mat on the floor where she had been playing and the little girl lets out a shriek, not pleased at being interrupted from her playtime. "Hey, your mommy and daddy's home" she cooed making the little girl instantly stop and she smiles,

Rebekah goes and opens the door, walking outside to greet them as they reached the porch "I take it, all went well?" she asked looking between Kol and Davina "everything went smoothly, sister. You are now looking at another original" Kol gloated as he had an arm wrapped around Davina "and I don't know about you but I rather like this one. She's a keeper" he added with a cheeky wink at Davina earning a playful elbow to the stomach making him chuckle.

Davina moved away from him and smiled as Kayla came towards her with Veida "hi baby girl. Did you and your brother miss me and daddy?" she cooed as she held her in her arms and kissed her on the head, Veida smiled and snuggled her head against her mothers chest.

Kol smiled at them as he gently placed a hand behind Veida's head as he leaned down and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Where's Axel?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows "he's right here" Elijah spoke as he stepped out with a rather grumpy looking Axel who was currently only wearing a onesie as he had not long since been bathed and changed.

Axel's face quickly lit up as he set eyes on his parents and he started reaching out for them, making babbling noises "hello son" Kol cooed as he took his son from his brother and planted a kiss on his forehead. He looked and saw Klaus holding Hope in his arms with Hayley beside him.

"How were they?" Davina asked as they all headed inside "they were quite restless at first and kept looking around for you but we managed to keep them distracted and calm for the most part" Kayla explained as they entered the living room and sat round the room.

"Did they take to the bottles alright? We've never tried the bottle with them before since Davina breastfeeds" Kol pondered "Veida took to the bottle fine, it was Axel who had the problem. It took a lot to get him to take the bottle, he would just keep screaming and pushing the bottle away. Elijah did eventually get him to feed though in the end" Rebekah explained making the two nod.

"That's surprising because usually Axel feeds with no problem. He's a rather greedy feeder and loves his feeds" Davina stated as he held Axel in her arms after switching with Kol "he must prefer being fed from the breast" Klaus pointed out and the adults all nodded in agreement.

"So why does Axel smell like he's just had a bath? He smells fresh" Davina stated as she smelled her son's head "he threw up earlier and it got all over his clothes and hands so Kayla and Elijah bathed him with great difficulty" Rebekah explained with a smirk as she glanced at Elijah who sighed.

"I now have a suit that needs dry cleaning" he stated making his brothers snicker "well, we did warn you against wearing a suit while bathing a baby" Hayley pointed out "I won't make the mistake again" Elijah replied shaking his head.

His baby mama (Kolvina)Where stories live. Discover now