Last Day

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Hazel POV:

We're coming up towards the end of our vacation and I'm sad to see it go. Today is our official last day here and that means packing. Theo and I have been packing all day while Mila runs around and plays. Theo and I's parents are down at the beach one last time, they wanted to take Mila but she's due for a nap soon. 

Mila didn't seem to mind, though. She's content to run around like a loon and watch cartoons. "Mila! If I catch you jumping on that couch again I'm giving your butt a smack." I hear Theo yell from down the hall.

Did I mention that she's already been in timeout three times today? I know Theo is fed up already. My angel child is usually so well behaved but today it's like somebody put five cups of sugar in her food. "Nu, Dada! Gu 'way!" Mila yells back at Theo.

Sighing, I drop the shirt I was folding and move into the living room. My husband and toddler are having a stand off. Theo's standing in front of the couch with his arms crossed over his chest and Mila mirrors his position, staring him down. "No, I'm not going away because the last time I did you started jumping on the couch again. Don't make me smack your bum because you won't listen." Theo warns.

I can see the tantrum already starting. Mila's face gets red with anger and I just know she's about to yell at Theo. "Mila, do you want to have some milky and sit with Mama?" I ask before she starts to throw her little fit.

She's exhausted and her bed behavior stems from needing a nap. Mila nods and climbs off the couch, waddling over to me and pulling on my pant leg. Lifting her up, I turn to Theo and say, "You go finish packing. I'll nurse her and put her down for a n-a-p." I spell out the word so Mila doesn't freak out. That's the last thing I need.

Theo nods and moves towards the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Poor man is so stressed out. He knows once we get home he'll have to go back to work and he's concerned about how Mila will take it. I'll be home with her, but Mila is a Daddy's girl through and through.

"You ready to be nice now? You weren't being very kind to Daddy." I tell Mila as I take a seat on the couch.

Mila rubs her eyes with her tiny fists and pouts, "Yesth, Mama."

Laying Mila across my lap, I gently begin to rock her. She's staring up at me with her beautiful hazel eyes and playing with my necklace. "Mama..." Mila begins to whine and pull on my shirt, wanting to nurse.

I lift my shirt and tuck it under my chin so Mila can latch onto my breast. She immediately starts to suck and I lean up, tucking my leg under my butt so I can relax. Mila plays with her feet while she nurses, fighting sleep until the bitter end. "You're a good girl, pea. Dada and Mama love you."

Mila switches to playing with the ends of my hair but her eyes are still open. Rubbing my finger along the bridge of her nose, I gently sway back and forth. "Close your eyes, pea." I whisper.

She grunts and goes back to playing with her chunky baby toes. Mila nurses for a little bit longer until her eyes finally slowly shut. I don't dare move but I grab my phone off the arm of the couch. I scroll through Facebook and smile at the photos of Mila my parents posted.

There's selfies of Mom and Mila on the beach, videos of Mila dancing with Dad, but my favorite is a picture of Mila, Theo, and I sitting on the couch together reading a baby book.

Looking down at my babygirl, I see she's asleep but has a death grip on my shirt. I carefully stand up with her in my arms and move towards the bedroom. Opening the door, I see Theo is zipping up the last suitcase. He looks up when the door opens and smiles. "She finally asleep?" He asks.

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