Chapter Twenty

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I couldn't focus, at all not even in the slightest.

There were so many things I was used to that I now wouldn't be allowed to do for a while.

I say a while because neither me or Olivia, or my lawyers are stupid.

My lawyers had figured out a way to discover the real video that was recorded and edited, the only issue was it required the phone to be ceased and that was harder to do then simply having police show up to do so, it required cunning something I was going to have to use to make everything work how I wanted, and I was going to make sure it did.

Olivia on the other hand I told everything and Monica's past methods, which were exactly what I expected to happen and was right, Monica fell right into the trap.

Don't attempt to play with the devil, you'll always be the one controlled.

So what had happened was all a ruse, but that also meant that we couldn't publicly hold hands, or kiss because of the fact should anyone outside of our friends who were in on it, found out this whole plan could be ruined.

Which now resulted in me having finished all the work for today in under two hours, and was standing by the railing in front of the clock that gave a view of all of Thornbrook's front lawn, with a glass of Kennedy 74 in my hand.

I then heard the door open, and turned to see everyone enter, along with Olivia who had fixed her makeup.

"You should see the mayhem you two caused" Hunter comments doing a mini pole jump over the couch.

"Half the school already knows, besides Monica won't show the video she never does, because if she did it would mean she would have to admit she slept around again" Ava says.

"And we all know the only person I will sleep with is Olivia, who may I say did a really fucking convincing job" I muse turning my head to show the hand print that had developed on the left side of my face.

"I had to make it believable" she defends sending me a smirk, and I descend the spiral stairs.

"Yeah and I can't litter your neck with hickeys as retaliation" I say making her blush at my bluntness.

"No wonder she wear's turtleneck crop tops so often" Mia mutters.

"It doesn't happen as often as you may think" I say taking the final sip from my glass, "and I'm out of bourbon".

"Let me guess non-alcoholic" Kate implores.

"I mean point four is still some but not much" I reply.

"That's going to do fuck all to you".

"She's not wrong" Nico says.

"Fuck off Harrington" I mutter refilling my glass.

"Well while Adrian's being a pussy I guess I'll drink some of the rum" Hunter says getting off the couch, which made everyone but me choke on their own breathe.

"Hunter he's going to fucking kill you" Riley says.

"No let him think that he's the only one to drink actual liquor yet he complained about me making him rum neat" I say taking a sip from my refiled glass.

"That's because I will be drunk if I drink a glass made how you have them" Hunter complains.

"You just proved Adrian's point" Ava points out.

"Just know that you will never make it out of the hole you just dug for yourself" Kate says.

"I think he fucking knows that, that's why he shut up" Riley points out.

"Riley you're not exempt from being the collectively picked on friend I hope you know that" Nico says.

"What's that supposed to mean?".

"It means by tomorrow you will have a moment where you say I fucking hate all of you" Ava explains.

"Damn it" Riley mutters before we all laugh.

I then walk over to my seat and sit down before Olivia sat down in the space between me and the arm of the chair.

"Hello bellissima" I say smiling at the brunette that was all but in my lap.

"Hi Adrian" Olivia replies.

"You're going to have to be mad at me for a while after we leave this room" I say.

"Yeah I will, but until then I get to sit here".

God please never let us separate.

"I look at you two and constantly think of why you never can be away from the other for long" Mia says.

"Because I suppose that happens when you're part of someone's life for two years" I reply before realizing what I said and setting my glass down to await the inevitable question.

"Two years you two knew each other before she came to Thornbrook?" Kate asks tilting her head.

"Not exactly, because she was Demetri's girlfriend something I didn't know at the time I ended up finding her one night when she had ran away from him, I found her cornered and afraid while two street criminals decided to attempt to kidnap her, you can imagine how well that went" I mutter picking the glass back up and taking a sip from it.

"Did you see each other's face's?" Mia asks.

"I saw red so, that speaks for itself" I say.

"Besides Adrian was in a hoodie his Volcon I think, and it was dark I wasn't seeing anything" Olivia says.

"You are aware that would have been the first time he defended someone he didn't know, especially at that stage in his life" Hunter says.

"You mean the stage of my life you almost revealed in the first week we all met" I point out.

"It had only become aware to us three months prior not my fault" Hunter defends.

"Yes but I also made sure there was no public information of me being a former gang member, like the whole courtroom had signed an NDA that said nothing that happened in there could be spoken of ever again, or else the person and those who heard it had to pay a ten million dollar fine each, and sign a repeat NDA".

"No wonder he refuses to let anything about his personal life gain major coverage" Mia muses.

"Think about it would you want the whole world to add former gang leader to your list of titles, I'm already the prince, and devil of NYC, along with heir to a stagnant multi trillion dollar family empire, I don't need people starting rumours that involve criminality".

"That's fair, though you should be called the shadow of New York based on how often an image of you appears" Hunter jokes.

"I don't need more titles Hunter" I state finishing my glass and setting it down to eventually deal with it.

"Well right now you should tell us the rest of this plan of yours so we know how to play along with this whole scenario" Ava says.

"Alright then, we better get started" I muse before one by one filling them in on the next piece of my plan. One that I hope doesn't blow up in my face in the end.
So were you expecting it to be a plan and now that you know how do you think it will play out comment below, also vote, and share. Anyways


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