Chapter Thirty Six

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Adrian Winters

A few days later, I woke up with my vision obscured by Olivia's brunette hair, moving it, I slid off of the bed and put my blanket back so that she'd stay warm enough to keep sleeping.

I then walked to the bathroom and shower, going about my morning routine, I get dressed in black pants, and a grey turtleneck shirt.

Today would be interesting for sure. Olivia had met various other members of my family but never the two people who were technically my guardians when I had been away for six years.

I then headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen to brew coffee.

As it beeped I heard footsteps on the stairs and Olivia rounded the corner, before walking over to me.

"Good morning" she says.

"Morning. Coffee?" I ask pouring my own mug, and walking into the living room.

"Thank you" she says evenly dividing the milk and coffee, before joining me in the living room.

"You ready for meeting my grandparents?".

"I mean you like them so they can't be to bad".

"So your trusting my narrow minded judgement of people around me" I muse.

"Yes I am, though I suppose you did keep files on everyone around you" Olivia says.

"Something that was wrong I'll admit" I say looking down at the black liquid in my mug.

"I don't hold it against you, when meeting you I may have but you're also very self protective, and are very careful".

"I mean my closest friend's able to hack security cameras and I got him to test the security network I designed and he couldn't get through it".

"You took computer science?".

"Freshman year, yes. The security framework is a highly advanced firewall. On computers and phones is virus detection and prevention. When I was fourteen my phone detected a Trojan Virus, afterwards I took a basic firewall code, and created a math equation that takes every eighth variable and shuffles it with each shuffled variable to a seperate formula of a hexacrypt shuffling group of security code formula. That's just one wall. My security branch that I started globally supports a hundred million people who pay ten dollars each a month, there are seven other grades of security my company and executive staff use it I installed it on your phone when I ordered it".

"How many walls of firewall does the top level have?".

"Sixteen thousand".

Olivia's eyes then go wide.

"It's overkill I know but it's supposed to be, the walls are also designed to track the same virus connection to it's original source, along with alert the police".

"I'd say you deserve the fortune you have for that".

"I have never taken my share of that ever, one day I might but not for a while if ever" I admit taking a sip from my mug something I periodocally did.

"I like how you aren't enveloped in your wealth".

"Money's a piece of fucking paper with a design and number on it, besides nothing has worth unless you give it one, and all the money in the world could square repetitively for every second since the dawn of time and never come close to what you are worth to me, you I'll put a value too but it's one that can never be physically achieved materialistically".

"Says the billionaire who lives in the largest modern home on the East Coast of the United States".

"That should only tell you your worth to me" I say as she rests her head on my shoulder.

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