Chapter Sixty Four

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The game continued for another half an hour ending with Adrian hitting the ball from one side of the field into the net which left us winning by two points, which seemed to make the whole of Thornbrook cheer as our Polo Team held up their clubs in victory, while Adrian got Nero to stand on his hind legs while he looked around with his typical cold calculating stare.

I'll admit it those girls from earlier were right he is hot, but like Adrian I'm not good with sharing.

As the polo players went back to the stable I began making my way down onto the field for sake of the piece of paper Adrian had neatly folded and slipped into my hand while on half time.

Taking it out of my pocket I unfolded it to be greeted by his neat handwriting.

Olivia meet me where all pretty things grow, I need to ask you something important.


Folding it back up and making sure no one saw me I begin making my way to the flower gardens of the school and I honestly wonder what It must have been like when the building was more of an estate then a school.

As I reached the garden I slowly walked through the beautifully organized flowers taking in the sight of the thousands of coloured petals, and the smell of each of them.

Getting to the pond in the middle I sat on the bench waiting for Adrian, in the serene surroundings.

Several minutes passed before the smell of expensive leather filled the air, and I knew he was near me.

"I believe this is for you mon amour" Adrian's voice sounded softly behind me and I opened my eyes to be greeted by a scarlett coloured tulip.

"It's beautiful" I say taking it before looking up at the darkly clad figure, as he walked around and sat down next to me.

"Like you, flawlessly so" he says looking from the flower up to me.

"You spoil me" I muse giving him a soft smile.

"That's what happens when someone steals my heart and it belongs to that person".

"Then I will keep it safe" I say.

"I would hope so" he says, "now for my important question".

"Mhm" I hum back waiting patiently for him to speak but instead he stands and reaches out his hand and I eye his hand then his sharp facial features as if they would give anything away but they don't so I'm reduced to cautiously taking his hand and following him.

As I did I began to realize that this garden was a lot bigger then I ever thought. There may have very well been every type of flower in the world and I found it beautiful.

"Adrian, can I ask you something?" I pry looking over at the handsome devil as the sun cast a glow over his face making his three coloured eyes become more pronounced, along with his jawline.

"You just asked one" he smirks and I just shake my head.

"Two more?" I muse playing his witful game.

"That depends on the question".

"Would asking why you don't talk about the rest of your family be too much of a stretch?".

"Close but no" he says looking away from my eyes, "they went on a trip to the Alps and well an avalanche killed them when they were going down a mountain, it made the news for a month straight, when they finally dug up the frozen bodies it was to late they had succumbed to hypothermia and died, my aunt and uncle were good people, so were my cousins, and well my other cousins are either in Europe or another part of the world, one even went all the way to Bali, let me guess Hunter and Nico told you to ask me about that?".

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