Chapter Sixty Six

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"Aww they look cute".

"They do".

"You're going to wake them up".

"Adrian probably is from your noisy ass".

"Shut the fuck up Hunter".

Opening my eyes I stared at the five people who I thought I heard. Riley, Hunter, Ava, and Nico who stood looking over the bookshelf in my room.

"You two sound like fucking hyena's" I hiss looking at Hunter and Riley, and they both raise their hands in surrender.

"They are hyena's" Olivia mutters, blinking as the light from outside seeped into the room.

In the corner I hear Nico snort in derision receiving dirty looks from Hunter and Riley.

"It's true" he laughs.

"Fuck you Harrington" Hunter mutters.

"Can all of you get out of my room" I say raising my eyebrows while giving them a blank expression.

"Sure we should go swimming while it's sunny anyway" Ava says.

"It is" Riley says rushing out of the room followed by Hunter. Ava then left while Nico chuckled at the two racing to get outside.

"Typical" I mutter rolling to the side of the bed and sitting up.

"We could join them" Olivia suggests.

"Where do you think I'm going" I say standing and walking to the closet to find a pair of shorts.

Walking around the closet I settled on a pair of half grey half black shorts, and changed into them, before heading downstairs to go out to the sandy beach, where I saw Hunter laying in a pool float, while Riley and Ava swam around chasing one another. Nico lay on the beach holding an open can, Mia and Kate, were also on their own floats.

Getting down onto the beach from the marble steps, I drop my sunglasses by the chair next to Nico, before taking a few steps into the water and diving under the waves, so that I could swim out as far as I possibly could. After a few moments I came up and looked back to see that I had swam at the least two hundred or so feet before I began heading back towards the beach.

I also was a lot more tired then I thought I was, granted I also swam hard all the way out to where I came up for air, and now was going back.

Reaching where I could stand again, I walked up onto the beach where Olivia had only just arrived laying her towel down on the beach.

"Olivia stop trying to seduce the whole lake" Hunter yells.

"Ambrose you're going to end up dying one day" Olivia yells back to him while I sneak up near him, flipping his float dumping him in the lake causing him to come up spluttering.

"What the fuck Adrian".

"You're welcome" I say turning to look back at where everyone was only to witness Riley tossing Ava into the water creating a large splash that soaked Olivia who was only a few feet away before Ava came up having to spit water out into the lake and noticing Riley stood laughing at her shocked expression.

"Riley I'm getting you for this" she says harshly.

"I'm helping" Olivia adds flicking some of the water into the lake.

"Oh shit" Riley says beginning to swim away from the two hellbent girls.

I then watch as both girls manage to catch up to Riley who was splashing through the water towards the shore right before Olivia trips making him fall into the lake with a resounding splash, and I just smirk.

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