Getting ready!

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(Time skip, sorry guys!)

Your POV
It was getting to be around five and canoeing was at seven, we should start getting ready. "Guys?" "Mhm?" "We need to get ready for canoeing." "Shit! Almost forgot about that." Ed exclaimed. "Let's go, we still need to get showered and dressed and ready!" "Alright."

Hunter POV
We slid out of the pool as Y/N pulled towels out of the portal. "You guys are so lucky to have me." She smirked. "Yes we are. Especially someone here." Em joked while nodding her head toward me. "Yes I am." I grinned.

Your POV
After we had all gotten dried off it was time to work out showering arrangements. "There's one outdoor shower and one upstairs." I explained. "So two people can shower at a time." "I'll use the shower upstairs first." Ed announced. When no one else spoke up I sighed, "Guess that leaves me with the outdoor shower. You know where towels are Ed, see you guys." I waved before heading towards the outdoor shower.

The outdoor shower had white tiles two walls and green curtains. My shampoo, comditioner, etc was already here so that was good. I pulled a towel out of a portal, laying it on the small shelf that lay in wait outside of the shower. I slid the curtain open turning it on before sitting on a white stool by the shower to wait for the temperature to be right.

Hunter POV
Emira was starting to be a little intimidating, not that I thought she would do anything for no reason but I understood the big sister energy radiating off her. The energy that said if I hurt Y/N or Edric in anyway she had quite a few ways to hide my body and never get caught for it. Again, little intimidating.

Your POV
I glanced at the bar in the shower with my strawberry shampoo, vanilla conditioner and lemon body wash. A good combination that wouldn't clash too much.

Hunter POV
Emira and I sat around the fire pit on two different wooden benches, I tried to think of any sort of conversation starter but again, never been that social till now. What do people even talk about? In the castle the main conversation topic had been, missions, witches we'd arrested, that kind of stuff. Not like I can say, "One time I arrested a witch for writing fan fiction about food." Not really gonna help me become friends with Y/N's friends.

"Hunter?" Emira asked. "Yeah?" "You okay?" "What?" "You look a little worried about something." She shrugged. "Ah, I don't know." I sighed. "It must be hard, getting kicked out like that." I didn't reply, just took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." "Hm?" I queried. "I'm sorry for assuming the worst about you, earlier." She exhaled. "It's okay. People have thought worse." I laughed.

"How much worse?" "One time while trying to buy my favorite strawberry bread from a bakery in town, this random customer was sure I was there to arrest him and lost his mind. I still have scars from.. that." I chuckled. "That bad?" "Yeah."

Your POV
(Timeskip cause no one wants to read about a shower)
I stepped out of the shower into the small area outside of the shower, curtained off and private. I wrapped a pink towel around my self and another around my hair. I dried off before making a portal. I stepped into the portal, into my room holding the towel around myself. Luckily I stepped into my room, careful not to dampen the rugs.

Hunter POV
"You know, you're not that bad." She smiled. "Thanks. I appreciate that." "I mean it, really. There's definitely worse people Y/N could've ended up dating." I didn't reply to that, just thinking. "You're not so bad either." I grinned, glad to have made right with one of Y/N's friends. One down, one to go.

Your POV
I put on a black bikini then cuffed jeans with a brown belt and a tan shirt. I grabbed a pair of flip flops before fixing up my hair and heading down stairs.

Hunter POV
Y/N ran into the backyard and sat beside me. "Outdoor shower's open!" Emira got up, "I'm next." While walking towards the outdoor shower. "She needs a towel." Y/N realized, "Em wait!" She called out before dashing after her.

Your POV
"Em!" I called out as I caught up to her, she turned with a confused expression. "You need a towel." I said trying to breath after running. "Oh." "Here!" I said reaching into a portal to grab one for her. "Thank you." She called out as I started running back towards Hunter.

Ukiyo; Living in the moment. (Hunter/Golden guard X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now