Ed's feels

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Your POV
"That was.. nice." I laughed. Despite it being the thousandth time we've done this, it still feels so new, so unfamiliar. Exciting but.. new. He took a swig from his soda, "Yeah." "Well, let's go see what's up with everyone else then?" I questioned. "Sure."

Hunter POV
I walked off the log, Y/N close behind me. "Edric!" She called out. "Y/N!" "You feel any better?" She huffed. He groaned in response. "That bad?" He nodded. "Maybe I could help you learn to backflip sometime?" I asked hopefully. "I know how to." Edric grumbled. "Maybe.. I could help you out sometime though." he added quietly. I rolled my eyes.

Your POV
"Guys, come on! We're going canoeing." Emira yelled out. I turned to Hunter, we made eye contact and I smiled at him. I looked back to see Edric frowning, "Ed, you coming?" I asked. He smiled, not a full smile, a half.. unenthusiastic smile. "Yeah, head on without me. I'll be right there!" I felt bad as I wandered off towards Emira, "Okay, meet us soon." I smiled. The side of his lip tugged towards a smile but quickly stopped. I tugged on Hunter's arm, pulling him up to Emira and the others.

Hunter POV
Everyone was gathered by the shore, a green canoe was flipped over off to the side and James? Jerko..? Jerbo and B- Ben? Barry? Barcus were hopping into a red canoe. "Hey guys!" Emira exclaimed. "Hey!" Y/N replied cheerfully. I waved to her.

Your POV
"Where's Ed?" She questioned. "Ah, he said to go without him and he'd be over soon." "Oh." Emira sighed. Emira whispered to Viney before turning to us, "I'm gonna go check on Ed real quick. You guys help everyone get settled in to their canoe if there's any issues?" "Gotcha." "Thanks!" She called as she ran off.

Emira POV
"Ed?" I called out wandering towards where I saw Ed last. I heard a groan. "..Ed?" "Em." He sighed. I walked down the log carefully, sitting next to him. "You okay?" "You know I'm not." "I do, what are you going to do about it though?" He just huffed a deep breath in was response, "I don't know. She's obviously happy, with a boyfriend. What am I supposed to do?" "Let her go?"

"You know it's not that easy." "I know." I pushed him in the shoulder. "Sure wish it was though. For your sake. Now, do I send in an illusion of you or can you come over?" I joked. "Who will I even canoe with..?" "Luckily for you, I'm the best sister you could have and I thought that through. I invited Nyx." "You did?" "Yeah, and she's on her way here now. Fashionably late." Edric smiled at me, "Thanks Em." "You're welcome. I couldn't let you sulk around without a friend forever." I laughed.

Edric POV
"We should head over to the shore." Emira said looking at me. "..yeah." We walked to the shore where Y/N enthusiastically greeted us causing my heart to drop to my stomach a little bit.

Your POV
"Em! Come on!" Viney called out. "Sorry guys, gotta go!" Emira ran to Viney. I felt a little bad, "Edric, do you have someone to canoe with? I think Willow still doesn't have anyone, Gus went off with that one guy with the brown hair." "I actually do, Nyx is coming." "Really?" "Yep." He said proudly. "That's good!"

(By the way, I know Nyx had a lesbian pin. Edric and her are JUST FRIENDS!! Don't be weirdos.)

Hunter POV
At that moment Nyx landed next to us, "What's up losers?" Edric smiled as she hopped off the broom and stood next to us.

Your POV
She was wearing a T-shirt with stars on it with jean shorts that had moons painted on the pockets and a thick black belt. She also had a thin chain necklace with a small bottle of crushed up crystals and earrings with the moon on them. Her shirt was pushed to one side exposing a black bikini strap.

"Wow, hey Nyx! Good to see you, you look really pretty." I exclaimed. "Nice to see you too." She said, smiling to one side. I noticed she had sparkly stars placed in her hair, they glowed brightly. "Are those magic?" I asked gesturing to them. "Yep." "Teach me how to do that sometime." "Fine, can't tell anyone though." "You've got my word."

Hunter POV
"Well, I heard we're going canoeing so let's get started." Nyx said. We all agreed. Y/N and I walked to a navy canoe by the edge of the lake after Y/N used a portal to help Nyx put her clothes on the table.

Ukiyo; Living in the moment. (Hunter/Golden guard X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now