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Level:MegaType:Goddess Attribute: VirusField:Nightmare Soldiers

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Attribute: Virus
Field:Nightmare Soldiers

Description: A mega form of WrathIramon. Selketmon is known as the goddess of healing and the venomous punisher of villiany. A hybrid like digimon whose upper torso resembles a beautiful humanoid wolf, while the lower half is a deadly scorpion. Selketmon and it's lower half may have two brains but she controls both halves with ease. She possesses a unique set of eyes that hold a powerful hypnotic gaze which forces those to tell her what she desires to know truthifully. Her eyes also can see into one's soul. However she is still a caring doctor and heals all with the golden fluid that is stored within her twin stingers. This golden liquid is made from Selketmon own data code, which has great healing abilities. Though those who attempt to harm her for this liquid are met by her other half. Selketmon will show them why she is the punisher of villiany. For also store within her stingers is a black toxin that can instantly delete anyone in just five seconds. She is said to live in a sacred desert in the digital world that ressembles an Egyptian pyramid. She will be kind to those with good intents and provide them healing. Those those with vile and evil hearts are deleted without a second thought. So please be truthful your life may depend on it.


Hypnotic Gaze- Her pupils glow a welcoming red glow that makes those who stare into them trust Selketmon and truthfully answer all she ask.

Healing Sting- Fills het stingers with a golden healing liquid that cures all ailments and diseases.

Toxic Injection- Injects her foes with a black poisonous fluid that deletes them in five seconds flat.

Embalming Cocoon- Shoots a web like silk from her finger tips that surrounds a dying digimon in a perservong and healing cocoon.

Venomous Acid- The scorpion mouth spits out acid that can dissolve anything it falls upon.

Crushing Guard- Casts a protection dome around it's foes then slowly closes it around them.

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