Day 22: Scratchy

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Aliana:*in her room

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Aliana:*in her room. She's been silently sobbing to herself* It's unfair....


Blues: *reads the test results with a sad expression* I am so sorry, Aliana. It seems that HE made you unable to bear digitamas. Even if we do treatments or surgeries, it would be impossible to ever bare a child of your own.

Aliana: *tears up* So....he took something dear away....Even being reborn a thousand times can't bring it back, huh?

Blues: *places a hand on her shoulder* You still have your adopted kids. Plus you have us here for you *hugs her as she sobs her heart out*

Flashback Ends:

Aliana: Abi is still out in New York since Mei's Sensei has been making new improvements in medicine *droplets are still in her eyes* He be heartbroken that one of his bints couldn't give him a grandchild.....

A knock on her room door makes her ear twitch a bit. LET HER BE DEPRESSED IN PIECE!

Aliana:*shoves her face in her pillow. Her voice is muffled*

Shiramon:Hey....*hear the news from Blues and wants to cheer up her twin older sister. Plops a seat next to her* How are you holding up?

Aliana:*looks up with eyes filled a mix of rage and sorrow* WHY?! WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN?! WHY DID "HE" HAVE TO TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME?!!!!! W-why....? Why can't I have children too.....? *breaks down sobbing as Shiramon hugs her* It's UNFAIR, Akila....

Shiramon:Aliana....*sheds a few tears while hugging her sister* I'm so sorry...Sooo Soooo sorry.....*knows how hard it is to hear this news. Having a few members of the gathering suffer a silimar problem*

Later that night, Aliana decides to go on a moonlight walk to help clear her head a bit. She has a "certain" friend is texting her on her digiphone in hopes to cheer her up.

Campemon:Heya Aliana! You are as a lovely as a dessert rose.🌹 Please don't let your spirit descend into sorrow. You are still a good mother to your kids that you took in. Sketch and Bluebell are prime examples.

Aliana: Thanks.....but...I've always wanted to have a digitama of my own. Blues told me that Akila is going to have three if she and her husband desires. 😢

Campemon:I know. What HE did to you was quite tragic.....He is an unforgivable monster for the crime he has commited towards you and your siblings.

Aliana:*about to reply when a scratchy sound gets her attention*

It appears to be coming from the suppose it hidden door within the alley next to her. Almost like a voice of her own reaches out to her. Without knowing exactly why, Aliana slowly opens the door and proceeds to locate the voice calling out to her. Even if it is simply a small symphony of scratches. There before her eyes is a line of broken test tubes and fluid flooding the ground.

Aliana:What the.....?.....*she then sees the bodies of three scientists* What were they doing in here....? *a bad feeling builds up in her stomach*

A computer that seems to still be functional catches her eyes. After reading through the files, she makes a horrifying discovery. These three had somehow got a hold of her data sample and were trying to construct their own digimon. It seems like the subjects destroyed themselves with everything along with them.

Aliana: Just when I think my past is over...GRRR!! JUST LEAVE THINGS ALONE!! *She summons her pistols and makes sure that no one can ever recover this data. After about ten minutes of happily shooting away at the computer, she is ready to leave*


Aliana:*pauses as she goes to the direction of the sound* Guess one test subject is still aliv-*stops talking when she sees the test subject before her*

Some sort of cat fox hybrid digimon that has a sort of aura that smells of bad luck. Hee seems to have been forced to digivolve into Rookie level.

Aliana:*looks up to see the name of the test subject* Jinx huh? *picks the little one up* Abi gave me a chance, I'll give you one. After all..... you are my son made from my data. Welcome to the world Smolumon *hugs the little one close to her heart*

A few days later:

Mummymon:*returns after a long trip. He is indebted to Mei sensei for teaching him more medical knowledge than what he could have learned here*

He passes by Aliana room to see her asleep while holding a child that seems to have a familiar signature to hers. How does he know? FATHERLY SENSE!

Mummymon:*speechless till he calls Akila* Your sister had a child. *hears nothing but silence till the phone on the other line is dropped* Akila? Are you still ther- *the window behind him is shatter opened*

Shiramon:*auntie instincts kick in* WHERE. IS. THE. CHILD?

Mummymon:*shushs her and points in Aliana room*

Shiramon:*looks inside as he heart melts* Congrats Sis....Congrats.....*tears up so much*

Aegis:*breaks down the door with Clockmon behind her* IS IT TRUE THAT BOSS HAD A KID?! AS AUNT AND BEST FRIEND, I DEMAN- *Both Shiramon and Mummymon shush her and point to the room* Awwwww!!! New addition to the fam!

Clockmon:*nods while carrying his son, Timamon*

Welcome to the family, little Smolumon.


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