Day 24: Goth

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It was only a simple trip to get supplies

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It was only a simple trip to get supplies....Orangusnake only needed a few more parts to complete his latest weapon of mass destruction that will ensure the Ruby Pure Heart will be his. Summer had somehow convinced him to make a small detour for some window shopping in the nearby clothing stores. Who would have thought that there were clothing stores for children who work in the line of villiany. Lastest trends were goth outfits which were always so distasteful to Orangusnake. Why look like they are in the pit of despair when young like them should be more cheeful.

Entering that store was the BIGGEST MISTAKE!!

Orangusnake:*eye twitches as he sees Summer lastest goth outfit* Oh NO!! YOU CAN NOT BE GOING INTO ANOTHER GOTH PHASE RIGHT NOW!! *it took SIX months for her to get out of the first one....*

How did she get her ears pierced that fast?! They were only here for three minutes....HONESTLY HOW?!

Summer:*eye rolls* Ugh...Boss it is not a phase!  This is the new me but the two point O version. Stop being a control freak and harshing my vibe! *goes to check out the black mascara eye shadow. Trys some of the free sample on*

Orangusnake: NO! NO! WE ARE NOT GOING THROUGH THIS AGAIN!! *picks up  Summer and carries her out the store. He is not going to have his youngest team member going through a rebellious phase that he expect to face when Summer entered her teenaged years* We are going back to the air ship young lady!

Summer:UGH!!! WHY ARE SO CONTROLLING?! *sighs overdramaticly *

Orangusnake: We will get through this....*thinks of something that he knows what the real Summer likes* Ice cream and spanish soap operas?

Summer: Tragic Dramas? *she asks. Her eyes gleam with interest*

Orangusnake:*smiles* Of Course!! *relieved that she has not gone full goth yet. He knows he can prevent another near heart attack*

Phases....a thing kids go through that adults fear like a mini plague.


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