Day 20: Bird

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It has been one year since Kento, Penny, and Soren have return home from the Paranormal Digital World that they struggled to survive from on a daily basis

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It has been one year since Kento, Penny, and Soren have return home from the Paranormal Digital World that they struggled to survive from on a daily basis. Now together with their digimon and a long hardship. The six of them return home after so long. Even though they are so far apart, the friendship those children share will always connect them together.

Soren is  studying science involving  space travel though he is not sure if he should be an astronaut or become a researcher in the field of study. He wants to explore what other worlds are across the mass vast of space. Before Bearmon, he would laugh at anything living other than humans. Now he wants to see if there are more living beings out there. Prehaps there is a way for him to travel verses like a certain digimon does....the skies are endless with possibilities. All one needs to do is think of how to make that possibility a reality. Bearmon is helping out the best he can, though he is still working on being less timid. He quite captivated by chess and Soren grandfather's pancakes covered in the sweet sap called maple syrup. He seems to have adapted well in Canada even though he gets the occasional stares from time to time.

Penny had a bit of a hard time convincing her moms that Gumdramon was not a threat to them. Practically had to wrestle the phone from their hands before they called the FBI. Took a couple more weeks for them to trust Gumdramon. Thankfully the little dragon was allowed residence in their home after learning that he kept their dear daughter safe. Penny been study to be the first human doctor to treat human and digimon if any more come to their world. Gumdramon has loved living in America, especially going to watch the many cinema films that are on the big screen. He is also very knowledgeable about sigimon and is currently learning all he can about the human world. He can call himself a regular resident of America. To be honest, he can not decide if hamburgers or  pizza is his absolute favorite food!

As for Kento and Falcomon?

Kento is still wondering his career path since escaping the digital world that would have left most traumatized if they do not have the strongest of will. Right now he is laying down the grassy field outside the front of his house. Being away from home made sleeping in a bed feel un-natural. He prefer to relax in open spaces where he will nod off to sleep.  Thinking about what he should do. Should he get a regular job like  his father who works in a law firm? Be the disciple to his mother family dojo. Though he did miss the thrill of saving others. How they would fight any digimon who tried to hurt their friends, the rush of adrenaline in his veins ....That feeling of being a hero and defending ones he holds dear.

Kento:......Maybe a viligente is my path....Becoming the shadowy protector of Tokoyo.....*smiles brightly, believing that he just found the career path he was searching for quite a long time* Oooooh I can not wait to get started! Hmmm now to think of code name for Falcomon and me......

Falcomon is mediating close by . He has not revealed himself to to Kento parents since he felt it is not the time to do so yet. He has secretly been following the lessons that Kento mother holds in their family dojo. He finds her teachings truly awe inspiring and always tried to follow them to the best of his abilities. Prehaps one day he can be a student like the others inside of a shadow looming close. He is comfortable making thw nearby forest his home. He has found the perfect nook to sleep in the truck of an old yet sturdy oak tree. He misses the home he once had before it became a nightmarish waste land, many friends were lost that day. Digimon who were turned or humans who met an ill fate for not meeting their destined partners in time. Kento.....the one who allow him a place to call home....He shall protect so no one else experiences the pain of losing one's home.

Falcomon:Another peaceful day....Peace is to be cherished for one does not know when one will lose it.  *looks up at the sky and takes in the warm rays of sunshines*

Kento:Falcomon! Falcomon! *calls him from the house*  Come inside Feather Brain! I made us some ramen! Your favorite shrimp flavored ramen with extra shrimp just how you like it!

Falcomon:*leaps down* Tokoyo.....I think I found myself a new home....*rushes off to the house before Kento eats both ramens ....again...* Our home now.


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