Day 1: Punk

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Night and Orangusnake are going to see Night's local supply dealer of explosives and hard to come by techology that heroes do NOT want villians to get their hands on

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Night and Orangusnake are going to see Night's local supply dealer of explosives and hard to come by techology that heroes do NOT want villians to get their hands on. For a mission they need to be equipped with a certain piece of techology that can hack weapons whether they are high tech or low tech by removing the skill to wield them.

Orangusnake:*A tad nervous since this is his fist time in a shady alley way like this* Soooo....What is this Kix girl like? How did you two meet? *thinks she must be a strong tough villian*

Night:She actually worked for me for a while before I gave her this terriority. Then she formed a gang and a weapon supplement for villians like you or me. *Leans on the wall that has a stain that is red paint or dried blood from a street fight*

Kix:*A Sugar Glider with hot red hair with pink highlights arrives. At first she seems like your average punk girl. Then she walks over to Night* Hey there "Lunar Wolf". *sees Orangusnake as her grip on her bat tightens* Is this guy a rookie or did you bring me some fresh novice to be my latest sang bag?

Orangusnake:*gulps nervously* N-no. Night and I are actually friends *mentally prays that Kix won't hurt him.

Kix:*raises a brow* Seriously? *looks to Night who nods much to her surprise* Huh? Well rookie as long as you don't mess with my turf business we are cool, got it? *has that "Do you understand what I will do if you try anything" look shot right at him*

Orangusnake:Y-yes! I completely understand *who knew that a sugar glider could be this threatening and scary.... He would have to keep on this girl's good dide if he wants to keep ALL his fangs*

Kix:*Turns back to Night* Is it true that Cy is now a goody two shoes? His tech was a real best seller here, a shame we won't get it no more *heard the rumors but she is the type to heard it from a true source in order to believe it*

Night:Cyber made his choice Kix. *gets off the wall before the two lock eyes* I suggest you forget it and move on. Still plenty of tech makers that make you good business. *If Kix wants to keep her status as the gang leader here then shut it about Cyber!*

Kix:*goes quiet before giving a small nod of understanding* I got the tech piece you needed. I think about six thousand gold coins is a fair trade right?

Night:*signals Orangusnake to give her the bag of gold coins that has already been prepared. He throws it over to her as she throws the tech as promised* A pleasure as always, Kix. Tell the boys I said hello. *smiles as she and Orangusnake leaves*

Kix:*smiles under her mask as she heads to her base* That rookie is in good hands with Noches. Though he needs some dang backbone! Twice my size and yet I'm the one that's scary! Pfffth *shakes her head at how villians are nowadays*  May she be Paitent with him.....May he not get her Mad.....

An exchange among old friends is heartwarming depending on how one views it. Villians may be evil and heartless to most in the world, but to their closest friends? Think of it as greeting a friend one has not seen in a VERY VERY VERY long time. Even if it is only for an exchange for goods.


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