Day 11: Wander

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Zirca:My first night away from home

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Zirca:My first night away from home...... *look up at the sky as she wanders the first land outside her home* It's a "Gummi Star" night too.... Like when I first arrived too.... *a bit homesick*

"Gummi Star" Night only happens every three years. The stars transform into gummi that radiate the gentle cloak of mahic of the "Fantasy Ruin" verse. If one falls from the sky, it is said that a miracle shall be brought into the world. Those who are born on this magical night are rumored to be blessed by the ones who live beyond the stars.

Zirca:I hope Crys is okay......Dakota is probably relaxing without me around *thinks of him being happy without her giving him more gray hairs* Hope he forgives me for not saying goodbye.

She left to explore the lands beyond the ones that they call home. A new adventure all on her on. Wandering till she explores all that is offered. To witness new lands and new species. Battling creatures that she never experienced before. Inspirations along the way to create all new medicines, weapons, and whole new dishes.

Zirca:*thinks of home before tearing up slightly* Come Z....*wipes away her tears* Why are you crying? Crys encouraged you to take on the unknown! Going back now would only disappoint yourself and her.

Just as she's about to look for a place to use her "Construct Mansion" to turn in for the night, an "Instant Message" spell delievers a scroll letter. She recognize the writing as Dakota's. Opening up the letter to view the contents, tearing up once again.

Only these tears are ones of happiness.

"Dear Zirca,


I'm sorry....I guess I'm still a bit hurt since you left without a word. Surprisingly you left on the night that you were brought into our little world. I met you the day you turned twelve. Thinking  you were monsterous beast the rumors spoke of. Who would have thought that a TM like you would become a dear friend. You surely have come a long way these past three years. First you helped me and my kingdom bring down SEED. You then left to make your own village to protect my kingdom from any unwanted attention. I still wished that you let me give you a larger portion of land since you seem to expand more and more. Humans, Demi Humans, Witches, Dragonfolk, Spirits, Elves, and many more. You seem to welcome every species into "Versita"to form a home. Always welcoming and a tad naive as usual.
.......... are indeed strong. I know that you normally don't take any orders from any royal officals. You had too many encounters with rulers who only see you as a rare tool for their own selfish benefit. It is still a miracle how you befriend Arthur and myself. I ask you not to consider this an order. Rather a request of a friend.

Zirca Xenowave. Pupil of the Dragons and the rare Guardians who raised you to be the person you are. Please keep in contact and share your travels with us daily. Wandering around our vast world to have another marvelous adventure. Know that though we are miles apart from you, you ARE NOT ALONE, young Earthborn. Remember that you have friends and family that will be waiting for you.

Not an ERROR CHILD as Venti told me about how you view yourself. You are our brave treasure that "Gummi Star" night has blessed us.

Please come home safe. I think I'll be bore without your usual trouble magnet shenanigans. Keep us posted on the adventures you shall experience. If anything comes in handy to improve our home, please sent it back with "Transfer".

Till our next Chat,
King Dakota.

Zirca:*wipes the tears pooling in her eyes* Yeah....I promise....Heh, you and Crys really know how to cheer me up even when you are far away. *bold smile* I WILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT MY ADVENTURES! YOU BETTER GET READY DAKOTA!

That marked the end of her first day exploring the land that she later learned is called "Koriyiko". She would explore that land for a week before going to the next. "Koriyiko" has much more vegetation with stare orbs that act as endless power sources. Zirca uncovered an ancient stone mech that was small. She took in the mech and named it Era. Marking the "Beginning" of their latest journey. What excitement lies within the next land?


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