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Type:Fallen Angel of DeathAttribute:PureField;UnknownLevel: Ultimate

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Type:Fallen Angel of Death
Level: Ultimate

Description: Born from the tears of the fallen. Once the angel "Rebirth", abandoned by the Digital Heavens to now serve a dark role in all verses. To guide souls to death door when their time comes. At times she must quicken the process. Her favorite action as the "Death Angel". Her black void like wings stripe information and memories from her victims, using her "Thanatos Persona" to leave a shell in the place of whoever they once were. Azraelmon has been around since the first recorded death in history. Knowing much compared to others related to death. Teasing her victims to face their darkest fears as a form to entertain her. "Phantoming Fears" is a song made to trap one's in a mental state where they are confronted by the embodiment of fear itself. To see if  the victim's will can overcome this, or will they take the escape of death. If annoyed or simply to show her power. "Ashes of Death" allow her to take a digicore and reduce it to ashes. Making her foe watch their hearts turn to ashes before they die. Though it is said that no one knows the feelings of this digimon. Truly a mysterious being.


Ashes of Death- Summons her  opponent's digicores or their hearts. Then it slowly turns black before turning  to dust before their eyes.

Thanatos Persona- Her void like wings drain her foes information and memories. Killing who they once were, leaving them as a shell of their former self. Whoever that was anyways.

Phantoming Fears- Azraelmon sings a haunting melody that places her foes into a mental prison where their worse foes haunt them endlessly as their own personal phantoms. Their growing fears become more rapidly can only lead the poor victim to an early grave. Though overcoming the fear can free the victim with only a severe headache. Not to mention a couple bruises.

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