Day 2:Scurry

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It was a cold day in the valley. Kevin and Lucky were on their way home from playing in the park. Both had a great time jumping into leaf piles. Best part was there were no monster attacks all day. However the valley itself felt like a ghost town. No one was in sight.

Kevin:Where is wverone?

Lucky:No clue.

Both got scared and held each other hand. Cautiously looking around for any surprise attacks.

Glop. Slush. Slush.

The two young sweetypies froze.

Lucky:What was that....? *shakes in fear,hugging Kevin*

Kevin:*buried his head in Lucky the best he could* Ahhh!! I want my mommy!!

Glop! Shush! Scurry! Shush!

As the sounds got closer, the little ones got more scared.


There they saw it! A orange and white slime with white cat ears and tail.

Both Lucky and Kevin:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *the two scurry away in fear. Seeking shelter in the closest building they could find*

Small slime:*giggles*

A motor like hum could be heard not too far away. The local heroes of Pure heart Valley came to the location of the Slime sighting. There Mao Mao came to get the slime.

Mao Mao:*pets the small slime* Looks like Carmine been toying with his dark magic again, huh Lynelle? Well I must say for a slime you are so cute!

Badgerclops:Oh for sure dude!! *walks over to softly boop Slime Lynelle*

Lynelle:*softly giggles then yawns*

Adorabat:Awww, she's sleepy *cooes*

Mao Mao:*wraps her in his cape* Let's get her back to HQ for a nap. Then a certain Nephew of mine is going to be grounded.

With that, the slime was taken to HQ for a nap before being taken back. Carmine later changed her back and was banned from his spell books for two months.


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