Day 2:Spiders

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Khalida:*staring into the starry night on top of the Chaotix Agency

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Khalida:*staring into the starry night on top of the Chaotix Agency. An earlier event caused her to go back to the medieval times before she was transformed into a blood sucker of the moon*

Tangle, Whisper, and Lanlion had request her assistance on a Diamond Cutters mission in a spot rumored to be homes for monsters. Khalida agreed, but now wished that she had refused. If only she could have saved them that fateful day....Prehaps then those two little ones would not have been made into the monsters she saw today.

Charmy Bee:*yawns as he is making his way to get a glass of water from the kitchen. The faint sounds of sobbing capture his attention when he notices it coming from the roof* Huh?  *he decides to investigate*

Khalida:*so lost in her memories of the past that she doesn't know that her blood tears leak from her eyes or that she isn't alone anymore*

Charmy Bee: Khalida? Hey are you okay? *grows even more concern when he sees her tears* Why are you crying?

Khalida:Charmy... it's late. Children such as yourself should asleep under the warm embrace of the lunar light.

Charmy:Can't sleep. *gets an idea* Why don't you tell me a story? That way I can get to sleep and you can feel better! *He is SO brilliant*

Khalida:*pauses to concern it for a moment* You vow to keep your promise to go to bed right after?

Charmy:*nods before plopping himself on the vampiric red panda lap*

Khalida:*while trying to come up with a story, the image of two little ones flashes in her mind* I have a good one..

What better way to honor their memory then to make a story about them.

Khalida:In a village that was not well known as it was secluded by the forest of oak trees that acted like a cloak. There were two young inspiring spellcasters who held the dreams of becoming full fledged spellcasters close in their hearts. Rare spider twin mobian who took the mantle of magic instead of a bladed weapon as most children tend to fall to.

Charmy:*eyes light up* Magic?! They could do magic?!

Khalida:*chuckles. She had the very same reaction when her Master told her* Yes. The female twin Yisha was a fine specialist in the magics of wind and water. Her brother Zocax learned to master the spells of earth and fire. To become the strongest spellcasters so they could protect those in need.

Charmy:*glued to the story as he was excited to hear more*

Khalida:One day, a dreadful beast that was not an animal or a mobian came to attack the village where the small arachnids lived. The beast body was cursed to make those who found against it into monsters.

Charmy:WHAT?! *nearly woke up Espio and Vectot* Did they fight it?! Were they turned into monsters? Please! I have to know!

Khalida:The two did fight the beast. They combine their skills of magic to destroy the creature. Miracles had been in their favor since the curse did not effect them. From that day on, they grew to become the greatest spell casters.

Best to wait till he was a bit older....The true ending to this story would surely make Vector pale in horror, much less Charmy.

Charmy:Yay! *he cheered that soon became an exhausted yawn*

Khalida:*gently smiles before going to take Charmy back to bed*

She couldn't protect those two little ones. Having witness fate interfere with the dreams that they so deeply cherished. Khalida would NOT allow the same to happen to Charmy or any of the new friends that she had now.

Upon her knightly honor, Khalida vows never to allow anyone to shatter one's dreams. To hopes it may reach the two brave children in the cloudy lands where she hoped they felt safe and at peace.


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