Day 5: Flame

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At Mao Clan household, all the young Mao kittens were visiting Shin Mao while his dear daughters came to visit

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At Mao Clan household, all the young Mao kittens were visiting Shin Mao while his dear daughters came to visit. They all had returned home for some relaxation.

However in the Mao Clan.....There is never a day without rivalry or agruement. Especially when it came Carmine. This agruement involved Buster.

Oh boy...

Carmine:My hex flames are much more powerful than you dragon fire!

Buster:*just ignored him. There was no point in giving into a pointless fight. One he knew that he would win hands down*

Carmine:*hated how Buster doesn't even fight back and just ignores him. he couldn't stand how Buster just took that*

Where was the Scale Clan Dragon Pride that he respected so much huh?! Where was his warrior's honor?!
Carmine then challenged Buster to a battle. This is where the two did battle to see which was superior. Dragon flames or The cursed Hex flames of dark magic.

Just as they were at the climax however, Minori and Hinata stopped them. Thus we shall never know.


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