Day 11: Nurse

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Aliana wakes up at six in the morning as she always does to start off her mornings beforeher Abi wakes up

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Aliana wakes up at six in the morning as she always does to start off her mornings beforeher Abi wakes up. First she digivolves from her baby form Carbunmon to her rookie form, WrathIramon though she is known better as Aliana nowadays.  Then she heads to the shower rooms in the hospital to freshen up before another busy day. Afterwards, she gets her new nurse's outfit on.

Aliana:*a bit skeptical about the short sheeves since it will not cover her Sin Code mark* I will never understand seasonal clothes for us nurses.....*seeing that mark always makes her remember the horrifying time that she had when she was made by HIM....* He is gone...He is is gone....*trembles as she feels HIS shadow creeping behind as if his ghost still haunts her. Flashes of being strapped down  in that "Personality Erasure" machine as she struggled against the metal. Screaming for her life as the surging pain stole away life cycles of personas that HE claimed were unfit for the plans HE foretold. That he would inject her with so much Digimon DNA that it felt that she was just a carbon copy of them. A FAKE....a spare...* He's gone....He is GONE!!!

She was close to curling up on the floor as she struggles to find if the illusions that taunted her were false or a nightmarish realty coming back to haunt her. She wanted to scream though she seemed to be struggling to breath in and out..... She does not want to go back to that place. Never again will she return to that digital hell hole that she was trapped in for so long.....

Aliana:*remembers that she is no longer that weapon. She was her own person. This is just a bad day....Abi needs her to let him know....Akila needs her to let her know when she comes over today*....I need help.....

Later taking twenty minutes to herself to calm down and collect herself. She goes into the kitchen to brew some coffee. She is ban from it after the whole Medusamon incident. The one that Amit and Abi unintentionally caused because of those strange flavored coffee beans. Ironic since MUMMYMON has about four whole pots to himself every SINGLE day. He has the guts to deny it yet the pots in the sink say otherwise. Oooh one of these days, she is forcing him on decaffeinated coffee.

Aliana:*While waiting for the coffee, Aliana checks on the appoints they have today as she eats her buttered scone* Let's see. Hiro is coming in to check on that rash re got after getting in contact with Floramon pollen. Possible allergic reaction....for once the TM comes in for a normal condition. Looks like he is finally being more cautious. Next we have to give the baby and intraining digimon their annual vaccination shots. We may have to ask Quartzmon if he like us to give his permission to see the ones in his care. Then Clockmon is coming in since he has been feeling slower than usual. Possible a damaged gear, told him to get that checked out now he pays for it. Lastly Dr. Vexillix is coming in to inform us for a major outbreak going to all the verses and how to treat it.*sighs* Business as usual then... *sips some nearby green tea that she takes with her morning scone now.

Mummymon:*yawns as he walks into the kitchen. Still half asleep since it is only  six forty seven in the morning* Morning Aliana....*barely manages to sit down at the break room table* Ugh...Meicoomon called me in to aid him  with the sick in DigiHarmony....He never informed me how MANY were sick....* He got two hours of sleep at most*

Aliana:*chuckles* I've got you Abi *gives him his usual coffee that has been given extra espresso shots to get him through the day*

Mummymon: Thank you my bint *weary smiles before drinking the one thing that is getting him through the day* Ahh, now I am aw- *pauses when he notices the signs of her having a bad day* Aliana? Do you need a hug?

Aliana:*freezes as she hesitates to look him in the eye.Though he his arms embrace her before she has a chance to refuse* Y-yeah....Thanks dad...

Mummymon:*holds her tight* Anytime my dear daughter. *kisses her head* If you need a break, you can always dedigivolve into Carbunmon if the mark is bothering you that much okay?

Aliana:Well I may do that later. I need to get used to the seasonal nurse outfits after all *Looks at the new black and red nurse outfit*  Do you think it looks good on me?

Mummymon:It is one of Shoemon best designs! *smiles as he is grateful that she went ahead and did his request. He also needed to thank Jellymon for introducing the seemtress rookie*

Aliana:......*gets the feeling that her Abi had something to do with this* Though I wonder how she got my EXACT measurements without ever meeting her for taking them or going for a fitting. You wouldn't know anything about that now, would you? *gives him a suspicious look that is hard to tell if she knows or is she just getting him to confess by acting as if she already knows*

Mummymon:*nearly chokes on his coffee before violently coughing up a storm* You know what? I believe that we should start our day now *obviously he is trying to avoid the subject by going to start the day earlier than usual* Come along now, Aliana! Nearly trips on his doctor coat on his way out*

Aliana:*chuckles before following. This sure did help brighten her mood* Sure thing Boss! *then whispers something quietly on purpose* Thanks Abi....I love it....! *even sheds a tear for such a thoughtful gift he gave her*

It just what the life of a nurse is to a digimon like Aliana. Some days are good that can end with a game of chess or a movie. Some are usual where by the end, both instantly fall asleep when everything is handle. Bad days? Aliana family knows just how to help her no matter what.


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