Day 16: Bear

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There in the forest is a traveling bear named Russell who is known to accept a few bounty jobs to make a living

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There in the forest is a traveling bear named Russell who is known to accept a few bounty jobs to make a living. To help him in his career are four little wisps that followed him after he rescue by accident . Though they really got attached to the mobian bear that saved them from being Eggman personal power source. He managed to buy a unique wispon from a shady merchant who was a blue falcon that goes by Orogios.  Even gave him his next target that the bird is paying him BIG for.

Russell:*walks through a forest that will lead to the location of his next target* Ashame really. This is one heck of a hottie but when I accept a job then I follow through to the end.

His wisps go on his head to get a look at their next target face. It looks like a normal red panda mobian who must have a major knight obession if she dresses like that in this day and age. Her eyes were blood red though that only seem to add to her beauty. Another odd thing is that the picture of her is hand drawn, did that Orogios fella not have a camera? Geez what is with some mobians that refuse to adapt to the modern day times. Though the amount that he is being paid  more than makes up for this strange request. Khalida the Red Panda.

Russell: Seven million.....*that would set his travel expenses for life! That falcon sure is generous*

Meanwhile in the treetops, Espio and Krios were patrolling around the area together since Restoration HQ paired the Chaotix and Teras together for exploring this area. To check if Eggman is using the area to hide any possible operations he is keeping hush  for now. The last thing they were expect was to find a hit out on their dear vampire friend. A very poor mistake even if he is being mislead......

Krios:You want to take this one? I could always use Gem power to go ghost if you aren't up to the task. We only need to knock him out and break that wispon. Judging by the design, it turns a wisp from pure energy to one that can become a lethal force. Deadly to anyone who gets hit by it...... Darn that falcon!!

Espio:*holds out a kunai* No...This one is mine! *how dare that monster sent an assassin after his dear Khalida! He will pay!!

Krios:Alrighty. Just let me interrogate him later. I can use Psi to wipe his memories of taking this job. Tomas can analyze  the wispon to see where that bird got such a deadly weapon. Here I thought that Egg head was the meance when it came to machinery...*low growls at how this angers him. After all Khalida is one of his best friends!*

Espio:Roger that! *goes invisible to get Russell ASAP*

No one messes with their vampiric girl and gets away with it! NOT THAT THEY ALLOW IT!!


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