Day 27:Beast

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Cyber:Thanks again for helping me, BC *is riding Plesio with Badgerclops to an illegal auction for rare monsters*

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Cyber:Thanks again for helping me, BC *is riding Plesio with Badgerclops to an illegal auction for rare monsters*

Badgerclops:*smiles as he pecks a kiss on Cyber cheek* Anything for my Techno. Though I thought you retired from villany. Why are we going to an unserground monster auction?

Cyber:*sighss* The way they treat those creatures....Just like how people treat me with my cybernetics.....*recalls the awful memories of being extreme bullied for his cybernetic limbs from being exposed to his eye powers*


The two arrive just in time for the bidding of the very monsyer they wish to save. A ram announcer starys the bid at one trillion gold coins.

Cyber: Darn! *only has a couple thousand in his savings. He can't ask Night for it either...*

Then a massive blast is shot at stage. Courtesy of Badgerclops.

Badgerclops: *smirks as he prepates his Badgerbeam times 100* How about we take it for free?

Cyber:*is more in love with this lovable badger than he thought possible. He has been blessed with the perfect boyfriend!!!* God I love you so much Badgercutie! *his tail goes into blaster mode with Scorpion mode on standby*

Badgerclops:Anything for you hon! *frowns at the other buyers* I hate those who thing beasts are just tools. *gives the chained monster a pitied look*

Cyber:Same here. Let's teach these monsters some manners!!! *the fury in his eyes have locked onto their targets*



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