Day 17: Salty

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Summer:Boss! Boss! I made dinner! *very excited

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Summer:Boss! Boss! I made dinner! *very excited. It is her most non burned and perfect dish yet

Orangusnake:*pales as his eyes go wide* did?


Boss Hosstritch:*does not want to make another medical trip. Though he is not one to break a poor lady's heart* Smells delicious little lady. *puts on his best fake smile*

Summer:*blushes and smiles* Thanks! I did my hardest to make it the best for my new fam-crew *still reframes from that word till she knows she can say it*

Ramaffe:*swratdro2ps* It looks really tasty *also fakes a smile to spare Summer's feelings*

Ratarang:*passes out*

Summer:*confused* Did he fall asleep?

Orangusnake;He was so moved by the though that you put on the meal that he was overcome. *lies the best he could for Ratarang sake*

Summer:*proud blushes* Awww, welp eat up! *waots for them to try her creation.

All:*gulp, waiting for one another to try the meal first*


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