Chapter 54

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Chapter 54 The end of the second station recording

    This time, Chu Jinzhi really didn't lie anymore.

    At 4:26 p.m. that day, the six guests of "Survival in the Wilderness" finally reached the finish line. They sat on the red flag prepared by the program team and showed their big white teeth. The group took a picture from Y to represent this time. Commemorative photo of the successful conclusion of the trip to Mount Tyre.

    As for why the mountaineering team doesn't routinely stand with each other on their shoulders and take pictures, don't ask, it's because they were born rebellious and different.

    - In fact, I can't stand up anymore.

    After taking the photo with a grin, Cao Xu and the others grinned and cried and crawled into the camping tent that the program team had prepared.

    is really climbing.

    The baggage of being a star is gone.

    Of course, this scene was ruthlessly shot into the camera by the program team, and it was used as part of the easter egg when it was about to be edited.

    Only Lin Shuyu was carried in by Princess Chu Jinzhi.

    The old acquaintance took a close-up with Da Jieke and took a complete picture of this scene. It was said later that we must always pay attention to the interaction between Chu Jinzhi and Lin Shuyu.

    In front, Cao Xu and others were rolling and crawling, and in the back was Chu Jinzhi holding Lin Shuyu, one lowered his head and laughed, the other raised his face and pursed his lips and eyes, and the slanting sunlight hit the two of them from behind, so beautiful that they seemed to be shooting. What a sweet idol drama.

    Xin Tian, ​​who finally rolled into the tent, turned around and saw this scene. After watching it for a long time, she finally couldn't help shaking her lips and tears filled her eyes.

    Woohoo, why is the beauty and sweetness all someone else's, she doesn't have it at all!

    Maybe it's too tired, so tired that my mind is empty and I can't think about the gains and losses normally. At this moment, Xin Tian suddenly feels that there is nothing wrong with falling in love.

    Of course, only for a moment.

    When she regained her senses, she felt that she might be able to catch up on the curve and overtake.

    Think about it, when the two people announce their relationship, she will rub the heat as a friend of these two people, and at the same time, she will rub her hair secretly, something like "When it comes to the importance of an actress's love or the importance of fans, the sweetheart is like this. Said", "Sweetheart Little Tianhou blesses friends, but said that he is focused on his career and only loves fans". Maybe he took the opportunity to grab some fans from the fan base of these two people and run away.

    At the same time, the network here cannot be given up, and it is necessary to plan ahead and manage it now.

    When the two of them were reprimanded by fans, she was the only one who stood up to send blessings, hehe, wouldn't they be so moved that they would hand over resources that are no longer suitable for actresses in love to her?

    Thinking about it, Xin Tian laughed so beautifully.

    "Little raccoon, what are you laughing at? An air mattress can make you sit so beautifully?" When Chu Jinzhi came in, he saw Xin Tian sitting on the air mattress, smiling like an idiot, and couldn't help asking curiously .

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