Chapter 114

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Chapter 114 "Spring River and Autumn Night White" Starts Filming

    On the first day of the new year, Chu Jinzhi was pulled from the bed by Xiao Deng the next morning.

    Chu Jinzhi suddenly felt sad when he was sucking soy milk with a straw in his mouth.

    On New Year's Eve, I missed the opportunity to experience the first time. On the first day of the first year, I lost my sweet and soft wife. On the second day of the first year, I had to go out to accept the devastation of this cruel world. This is not a life for people!

    Sister Lin turned a blind eye to her expression of sadness and anger, and handed a red envelope from the front: "Good luck in the new year, press the red envelope before starting work, I wish your career will be prosperous this year."

    Chu Jinzhi changed into a smile in seconds: "Thank you, Sister Lin!"

    After arriving at the studio, the red envelopes that Sister Lin prepared for Chu Jinzhi were also distributed to other staff members, including the newly appointed life assistant and driver.

    As the new product spokesperson of Z's fragrance, and recently intends to be promoted to the spokesperson of the China area, Chu Jinzhi naturally also has a festive poster to celebrate the New Year. College counter.

    When I was in the fourth year of junior high school, I had an appointment for a magazine shoot.

    In fact, the current magazine shooting is more of a form, and most of the consumers it faces are from celebrity fans. Chu Jinzhi is not very concerned about this behavior of cutting leeks, and there are very few magazine shooting activities. This time it is also because this magazine has a certain status in the fashion circle. Sister Lin wants to use this as a springboard for her to win a blue blood endorsement. .

    No need for Chu Jinzhi to say more, after interacting with Guo Jia's agency through many mishaps, Sister Lin automatically raised Chu Jinzhi's career planning several levels, and she was very careful when screening endorsement advertisements and other announcements.

    As long as the brand has quality problems, after-sales disputes, or even has a criminal record or vague borderline on the issue of Guo Jiazheng, it will not be considered.

    Sister Lin wanted to build Chu Jinzhi into a brand, so that when people saw her and heard her name, they subconsciously gave them trust and goodwill.

    On this point, the two of them talked openly and honestly. Chu Jinzhi didn't care about how much money he made, and Sister Lin's company also urgently needed a sign to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

    Such a plan is a win-win for both Chu Jinzhi himself and Sister Lin's company. Chu Jinzhi still trusts her on this point.

    Resuming work in the new year, a lot of chores, it was not until the eighth day that Jinzhi met Lin Shuyu in the new crew set up by Director Cui.

    Each director has his own shooting preferences and habits. Unlike Director Qiu, Director Cui does not agree with excessive interpretation of the script during reading. She believes that this will make the actor's emotional release too smooth and mature.

    In contrast, she prefers to capture the jerky feeling of an actor's first attempt after his own understanding and comprehension.

    Therefore, the reading party of "Spring River and Autumn Nights" was almost a large-scale dating party. Everyone got to know each other briefly, then exchanged the script to make sure that there was no error in the logic, and then happily ate the start-up banquet.

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